We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there...
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We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there. The community has since changed the bi-laws that prohibit us fr...
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It must have "statistically" and "factually", affected airbnb's business, because they backed down and stopped trapping people in the donation page. I would like to see a chart of that time period, and the number of inquiries that made it through vs other times.
@Sarah977 , I love that thought, unfortunately we have created a world where Toy R Us kids don't ever have to grow up and instant gratification is the norm. Its awful and I have no joy about that but more than half of my customers are exactly as you just described and they come from every dimension imaginable (self-absorbed, entitled, instant gratification types), dont get me wrong, most of them are pretty nice but they care more about the flavor of the day than things that last.
Unfortunately my business model depends on those folks courting prestigious universities or go to incredibly off the charts $$$$$$ fantasy barn weddings in my neighborhood that once was fully working farms. Funny thing was, I never saw a single one of those folks wanna hang out with me when I was stacking a few thousand bales of hay in that loft they wanna dance the night away in or shoveling the cow Schnitz off the floor that now has a world class kitchen that replacing the stanchions down below, moooooo. Smell the fresh country air, just don't step in it. I wonder how a Cow chip flinging and barefoot cow poo stepping experience would go over on Airbnb, if they pay a little extra, we can get them a fresh warm one,,,, Sorry, can't help myself Sarah....
Just blow off my warnings- then-
*personal comment removed*
It is defamatory to accuse CC members of being Aryan = Racist, just because they don't agree with a certain political group which uses controversial METHODS to persuade social change.
Being socially & politically Conservative DOES NOT mean that a person is racist. Not at all!
Hiya @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 @Melodie-And-John0 @Garrett48 and @Helen350 ,
I'm going to ask that we drop this line of discussion as it is needless and inflammatory. The offensive comment was removed and the OP (original poster) notified. Continuing to discuss it defeats the purpose of its removal. I don't want to have to close this thread so ask you all to move past this and continue your contributions across the CC as normal - more than happy to see those discussions!
Many thanks,
it is not MY platform, it is AIRBNb cutting out your business- It's their decision- and we have been told by others that they cannot figure out how to book being forced to that site- and they GAVE UP TOTALLY- I GUESS YOUR BOOKINGS THAT ARE AFFECTED BY THIS- DON'T MATTER????
How about "Airbnb Owners Livelihoods Matter", AOLM!!! They are slowing down your busines and many others. I heard from people that couldn't make their bookings at all!!~`
HOw about a forum "WHO CARES ABOUT BOOKINGS" WCAB!~~~ ?? Not me.... of course...
So, your bookings are great right now, and what does it matter anyway about yours?? the group should be "IOK, YNOK" I'm OK,You Not OK group~~
@Dori36 Whether you like it or not, having an active listing on Airbnb right now means that your prospective guests will be prompted to make a voluntary donation to BLM. Surely, the ones who ultimately choose to do so are going to be people who agree with the cause anyway - I seriously doubt that banner ads on a listing website are going to be the thing that changes someone's mind about it.
But if you feel strongly that BLM is not a cause that you want in any way associated with your business, your best recourse would be to de-list your property and rent through a different platform. Airbnb is not forcing anyone to make a donation, and also nobody is forcing you to have an Airbnb listing.
How about the people that can't figure out (non techy types), how to make a listing without a donation? I have been told this by a few people- and what does that mean statistically to you, and everyone? Fine, ignore it- and wonder why your bookings are less. I was giving a head's up.
If a few people have told me this, what does it mean statistically to all of us??
Look at my fifteen second rule- they are off to vrbo.com if they can't figure out how to get out of that page-
I mean if they can't figure out how to get accomodations without donating? Thatis what is happening- to the non techy types
One time, another vacation rental website I used was routing people who put in my area in CA to another mountain area that they were promoting. Many owners in the Big Bear area were complaining all the time that they weren't getting any listings- but I figured it out by pretending to be someone looking for a place in my area- and it was directly routed to this other area- no wonder there were so few requests in our area!! when owners found out what they were doing - the site completely folded- you have to keep an eye on what your vr rental site it doing- and marketing for you, and how they are affecting your rentals-