As an adult who actually has leased their property before on another site ( who frankly knows how to do it better) I gotta say, I have NEVER run across a more confusing, unuser friendly site in my life.   As an adult having an IQ greater than a gnat which is where I find this site to cater to and that's millennials .....  where is the actual 'ID #reference number for properties????    If you could make it anymore difficult to find the place you literally can bring up on your phone but CANNOT FIND WHATSOEVER on your laptop ...... frankly, IDK what keeps your site in business when there are so many more options.


I give up, frustrated, will find someplace else, don't care anymore.  I knew I like VRBO better and this site has just confirmed it.  DONE!

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Kernersville, NC

I understand sooo well!  Then they change things but mess up something else on the site.  Always a moving target.