
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

About Superhost status

Level 1
Antalya, Turkey

About Superhost status

Dear Help Team,


We have checked our super host status 3 days before and we are complited all the  necessary criteries ( we added screen shot picture on the attact folder )  but we control again today and we notice that we still cannot get   our super host status.  we are thinking we deserve that status at the moment.


Please could you give us information  why we couldnt get super host status.


Thanks for your help in advance


Best Regards,


airbnb superhost.jpg

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Ulaş0   Why do you think you won't get Superhost? The qualifying period ended March 31, but they don't award the status on April 1st. It can take a couple of weeks for it to appear.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

we didn't get SH status the first time we qualified but the second time. I don't know why.

Level 10
Darlinghurst, Australia



We have had a significant issue with a fault in the Superhost data this April, with all (complying) stats disappearing in the days before 1st April assessment, and only re-appearing with correct (as previously complying) stats now that assessment has been advised to have already taken place.


After losing Superhost status due solely to a couple of retaliatory, outlier 1/2 star reviews (guests upset they were called out on breaches in House Rules and/or GOVERNMENT HEALTH REQUIREMENTS *during a pandemic* - detailed other posts previously), we clawed our way back, and all of the stats noted that Superhost status was again being achieved prior to April 1. Yes, I checked on this, as I'm still feeling a little bitter that it was lost solely due to guests who actually broke House Rules/ Government Health guidelines.


On 1st April I reviewed the stats again, only to see that everything was showing as 0 - as in, zero guests, 0 star reviews - photo attached. Noted also was "You didn't get Superhost status this April". Interesting, given that only days before the assessment date all stats were showing the 'green tick'. 


I contacted Airbnb via online messaging and they advised me that this must only be a glitch, as they could see I had met the criteria for Superhost - it would be updated when the assessment was finalised by the 5th.


Today, the 5th, low and behold, all of my (green tick) stats have returned, but there are the top it still says in nice big, red writing, "You didn't get Superhost status this April".


If I was annoyed and frustrated with Airbnb's lack of care for long standing Superhosts/hosts before, I'm now infuriated that the always controlling, unfairly weighted 'Superhost' system has now become blatantly false and untrustworthy.


@Catherine-Powell @Liv @Stephanie @Nick 

Level 10
Darlinghurst, Australia

airbnb 210402.jpegairbnb 210405.jpeg

@Jo56 Instead of wasting energy being all upset about this, try being patient. You obviously have the stats necessary, it is a glitch, and you have the screenshots to prove it.


Airbnb's tech is awful and full of glitches. If you don't see the Superhost status appear for you in the next few days,  just get back in touch with CS, send them the screenshot and it will likely get rectified at some point. 


Everything with CS moves at the speed of a herd of tortoises these days.


Also keep in mind what the purpose of Superhost is. It isn't to reward great hosting, as it implies. You found that out when one bad guest's unfair rating was all it took to lose you that status. It is designed to keep hosts stressed out, trying to attain or retain it, overlooking bad guest behavior in fear of the dreaded bad review.


As long as the stats required depend on anything other than what a host has control over, (and guest's reviews don't fall into that category as long as they refuse to remove lying, retaliatory reviews), then it's just a behavior modification scheme.


Hosts who have had and lost and regained Superhost have said it made no difference to their bookings. I don't know if that was your experience, but it's hard to judge that these days, since Covid has had such an effect on travel. 

Level 10
Darlinghurst, Australia

@Sarah977 obviously this is what I'll be doing. Rather than wasting energy being upset, I'm letting @Ulaş0 know that there have been issues with the system, and expressing continued frustration that I (and other hosts in general) have to continue to waste our own time contacting Airbnb CS in attempts to get assistance in getting Airbnb's own system faults rectified.


I'm pretty sure, given many years of experience dealing with Airbnb, that in this instance they'll say 'unfortunately we can't do anything about the issue this time, just wait until next assessment'.  Not really the point, though, is it?


Of course, I'd love to be proved wrong...

@Jo56  I totally agree with you on the ridiculous waste of time hosts and guests, also, have to spend trying to get CS to rectify their errors.


The only time I took a hit on my response rate was due to Airbnb suddenly not sending me my text alerts. So I didn't see a booking request until 25 hours after the guest had sent it. Even though I messaged the guest right away, apologizing and explaining, accepting her booking, and she did book with me, CS refused to change the response rate back to 100%, claiming it was all automated and they couldn't.


And it took a month and a half for them to get my text alerts working again.

We have tried very hard to satisfied our guests to get good reviews and for the Air Bnb SuperHost status . We have complited all the criteries on Air Bnb for this status and  well deserve to have advantage of this status . 

 we wish Air Bnb  will solve their system problem soon as possible and help us for this matter.


Thanks in advance