
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Account involuntarily snoozed by Airbnb

Level 2
Chico, CA

Account involuntarily snoozed by Airbnb

I live on a large piece of rural property. I have been a super host for four years. I have a fantastic unique property that people love. I allowed my guests, I lovely bride and groom to host a small wedding with music outside. Covid precautions maintained. Wedding outside beyond the house. Somebody reported me an Airbnb involuntarily snoozed my listing. I have contacted support and nobody will contact me back to tell me what is going on. My account remains suspended. My account remains suspended  I have no idea what to do. 

10 Replies 10
Level 9
Boring, OR

Sorry this is happening to you.  I had airbnb suspend my account this summer based on false accusations from a disgruntled guest.  Did they send you an email to say what the supposed infraction was that caused your listing to be taken down?  I know once I got that from airbnb I was in constant communication defending myself and giving my side.  It took like 2 weeks and they reinstated me.. but gave me a letter that said to be careful because they could do it again, even after I had done everything asked of me.  Sorry you are dealing with this!  it caused a huge amount of stress for me to go through the whole ordeal.

So far they haven’t told me what I did wrong. I assume it was the music noise. I have defended myself but they have not reinstated me yet. Glad to hear you were reinstated. That is good to hear. Thank you. 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Jo275  How many guests were there at the wedding you hosted? Any idea who reported you? Did you receive any communication at all from Airbnb about this incident?

There was about 45 people. I had preapproved this gathering with the guest. I have been doing gatherings such as this two or three times a year for the past four years. All my neighbors are aware and are OK with it.  I am very aware of not being a nuisance    I had no idea Airbnb had instated a policy saying no more than 16 people at a gathering. I am not in the habit of checking on Airbnb updates. I feel they should have sent me something telling me about this. They have a place right on their listings where you can check yes or no that you allow parties or events.  I have no idea who reported me I I have no idea who reported me I have put some feelers out throughout the neighborhood and community.  The only letter I got from Airbnb was after the event telling me that I was snoozed because of a “report”. No details. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

So in California under your Covid restrictions you are allowed to have parties of 45 guests @Jo275 ? 

As the business owner - It is up to you to check the updates from Airbnb and your state to make sure you comply with any restrictions either relating to Covid or restrictions around large groups/parties. 


You can’t just say you don’t bother to check the updates. 



45 guests  at the outdoor only wedding. I do not know who reported me. There was a email from the trust and safety team directing me to the new party and event policies and asking me to remove in my listing where it said I allowed guests to host dinner parties an reunions.  It was sent to me the day after the wedding.  I only allow one or two small weddings a year which I charge a separate fee for.  At the end of the letter it said there was a report made and if I get reported again I will be in bigger trouble.  But they did not specify because it was too many people, or because of music.   I’m left to assume it is both.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

As I understand it, the State of California currently has a COVID mandate concerning gatherings, that they don't involve more than 3 households. 45 people would certainly constitute more than 3 households, so I'm not sure why you say " COVID precautions maintained".  I would venture a guess that this is why you were reported, not because of the music, less it was really loud, as you say your neighbors have never had a issue with you hosting gatherings before.


The new California restrictions on only allowing three households to gather was put in force around October 9 or 10th. I approved this wedding of less than 50 People back in June when gatherings of that size were allowed by the state. It would’ve been pretty devastating to tell the bride and groom I needed them to cancel the wedding a week before because of the new Covid restrictions put in place. They had already had their wedding canceled twice by 2 diiferent venues, then whittled down from 200 to 45 The wedding was outside. Lots of room not crowded at all.  I suppose I fell on the sword for them. I have followed up with the bride and groom who lived locally and no cases of Covid were contracted at the gathering thank goodness.  

When I approved this wedding of less than 50 people in June gatherings of that size were allowed by the state. The wedding was all outside, chairs, tables, everything very spread out.  Porta potty rental outside.  No guests are allowed inside the house. I have since followed up with the bride and groom, the county has not tracked any Covid cases to my ranch.  Before Covid I have never had any problems   Its a new game keeping updated with all the new restrictions and requirements.  I am willing to comply but at the same time I am very perplexed as to why Airbnb will not tell me the nature of the complaint.  They also will not tell me if they are going to reinstate me.  I’ve been a super host for four years, people love my place and are contacting me through my IG and other business asking why they don’t see my Ranch home it in the Airbnb listings. If Airbnb won’t reinstate me soon or at least give me an explanation I will be forced to move to another platform. I suppose this may be their objective for a unknown reason to me but I feel it is a hostile business practice. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It seems clear that Airbnb  suspended your listing because you allowed a party of 45 people at your listing  contrary to your local Covid regulations.


Your choice once you knew these updated regulations were in place was to cancel the booking or host it within the reduced number allowed by the state.


if your guests booked in June they would have known there was a high risk their event might not be able to take place because of Covid restrictions.


it’s irrelevant that  the event was outside. That many people travelling to an event, mingling together and the returning to their homes does present a risk to the guests, the areas they travel through and their home communities. 

You have only been allowed to have a maximum of 16 guests stay at a property for at least the last two years.