

What exactly does "accuracy" mean in the reviews. I am a Superhost-I've got good reviews-but twice I've been dinged with "4"s on "accuracy"...Please explain exactly what this means so I can rectify this. Thanks.

4 Replies 4

@Lucy597  One thing that's really annoying for hosts is that guests are asked to rate all these categories without actually being told what they mean. "Accuracy" is supposedly about whether the home was accurately described in the listing, but unless your guest supplied feedback about their rating there's no way to know how they personally interpreted it. And of course, the guests aren't looking at your listing while they're reviewing it, so there's also no way to know how accurate their memory of your listing's content was.


Funny and sad: several hosts have reported that guests marked them down on Accuracy because they said the place was better than it looked in the listing. Sometimes you just can't win! But fortunately for you, the accuracy rating has no bearing on your Superhost status.


If it's really eating you up, you can write a message to these guests and ask for feedback about how you can more accurately describe the property. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lucy597 ,

@Anonymous  is absolutely right - One guest marked us down for accuracy because the rooms were bigger than they expected. I wouldn't stress too much and just accept that some people are just a bit odd (myself included).

Level 2
Colorado, United States is very broken.  Twice I've gotten 4 stars and after asking the guest about it it was because they "thought there was an elevator" in one case and they "thought there was a grill on the deck" in the other.  There is nothing in my listing suggesting the presence of either of these two items so my listing is 100% is the claims of inaccuracy that are actually inaccurate!  This inaccuracy of accuracy hurts guests, hosts and Airbnb.


My recommendation:  if a guest gives anything but 5 stars on accuracy they should be forced to include, in writing, what was inaccurate.  This may encourage them to pull up your listing again to double check the validity of their claim.  If the claim is legit it allows hosts to quickly adjust their listing to make it more accurate.  If it is not a legit claim then a host should be able to contest the rating.  Accuracy is not subjective like the other ratings there should be a system to contest poor ratings.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Airbnb should include reasons for apparent inaccuracy. Otherwise, how are we to rectify the situation?