Adding guests to a request before accepting/declining

Level 2
Baltimore, MD

Adding guests to a request before accepting/declining

In most of the requests I get, people set their guest amount as 1, but when I send them a message before accepting or declining as to the “total number of guests”, they almost always admit that they have more than one guest. Sometimes it’s up to 5 extra guests that they have not initially admitted to. I then have no choice but to have them cancel the reservation and begin a new one with the correct number of people staying. (I should note that we charge a small fee for more than 2 guests). This undoubtedly puts me in the position of possibly losing the reservation completely. I have complained endlessly to Airbnb about changing the algorithm so that it appears the way it does in an “inquiry”: where a prospective guest can add people to their reservation without having to cancel and start anew. Any suggestions?

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Melissa288 I am slightly confused. If the guest has made a reservation it is very easy to change the booking. There is no need to cancel and start again.


This is happening before I accept/decline their request.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



They do not "cancel the reservation" (as there is no reservation), but they "retract the booking request". Which a simpel procedure for guests and after that they can sent a new booking request.


You can also accept the reservation and then the guest can use the "change" option to adjust the amount of guests and pay the additional amount. But is not very efficient.



In having them “retract” their booking request, I risk losing the booking. Either way, it seems unnecessary to have to start anew