
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Air BnB is going down in flames

Level 4
Nova Scotia, Canada

Air BnB is going down in flames

Hi all


I am not sure about anyone else but I cannot even reply to a post.  This year has been a horrific year from the Covid, to racial tensions to business' dropping like flies to candle fire.   I have never experienced such incompetence as i have with Air BnB during this crisis.  No way to contact them, close cases before they even talk to a person, trying to charge me 50.00 when someone out of my province who cannot come here tries to cancel.  I have to get my guests to submit paperwork and links otherwise I get charged.  They also block out the time that was cancelled! I have been trying to get them to unblock so others in my province can book but I cannot get anyone to help.  I have had almost all my reservations cancel as 95% of them are from out of province or out of country! 


Thanks Air BnB for your crappy service, I didn't think you were great before, I think you are horrible now.


Looking for alternatives.



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Jamestown, CA

It's becoming very frustrating. They are doing every they can to prevent cancellations, on both sides, and I believe losing customers permanently as a result. I thought it was weird when a guest told me they were advised not to cancel the reservation themselves --to request that the host cancel the reservation. Then later another guest told me the only way she can cancel without fees was to state she is "uncomfortable with the host." I have also had many bookings canceled because of COVID If they all had to state they are uncomfortable with the host I'm probably going to lose my superhost status soon. 😞

I read that in another post.  That is insane.  My province is closed to other provinces except PEI and NB but all my reservations are from further provinces, USA or overseas so, nobody can come here unless they sit in my air BnB for 14 days and I bring them food which cannot happen.  They did tell one guest to get me to cancel and I got a text saying cancel and I pay 50.00 or keep the reservation.  I am like NO, I am not paying 50.00 because of Covid, I have paid dearly already, I am down 98% for 2020 already, I have two reservations, thats it.   Last year I was booked from May to September.  Other guests cancel and they block that time so nobody local here can book.  When I read their EC policy, they are not even following it. 

@Michelle1648We lost basically our entire season (Jan-April) as well. Its tough but we were lucky enough to be prepared for such an event or should I say, rental downturn. We are on the west coast of Florida and suffered roughly a 6 month loss from a Red Tide bloom in 2018. We learned a ton that year about how to prepare ourselves financially in case of a sudden shutdown. You and your business may come out of this stronger with some different ways to do things. Best of luck and I hope your summer picks up.

BTW I read your personal post, I am really sorry for you and so many others, the whole air BnB concept was good for the economy and created entrepreneurs.   I just cannot see it recovering anytime soon.  😞