I recently launched airvoucher.ro here in Romania and we are a free service to Airbnb hosts offering discounts and local attractions here in Romania. We supply the Airbnb host with a free plaque. The airbnb guests then scan this and can access local discount exclusively through our site catered to Airbnb guests. What do you think is the best way to target Airbnb hosts to let them know about our free service?
Thanks for your response! I will go ahead and check this out. Usually they deny me because I am not a "Host" but will try some others. I appreciate the feedback.
I will check out your link and pass along to users who may need this.
Thank you for sharing your initiative with us. I wanted to kindly inform you that advertising services is not permitted in the Community Center. We strive to maintain a space focused on community support and discussion. You can find out more by heading to the Community Center Guidelines.
Wishing you the best of luck with your venture!
Many thanks, Rebecca Community Manager Airbnb Community Center