Airbnb Censorship

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

Airbnb Censorship

Where has Juan's post on Corvid disappeared to, along with all the comments hosts have taken the time to write? 


I was in the process of editing a post to @Melodie-And-John0 at 11.35 and 3 hours of posts disappeared and Juan's never came back.


Whats happening?


@Stephanie @Lizzie @Nick 

34 Replies 34
Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


What eyes are on this? I think the world media. Another thread on this CC was linked directly to a news article on Skift. I posted here:

Level 2

Is there any other platform outside of on the Airbnb site where hosts can communicate? I'll look on Facebook and Mighty Networks. 

Level 2

Typing in the word 'censored' to see if my message gets rejected again.

Level 7
Cleveland, OH

I just had a post almost immediately deleted that I put a lot of time and effort into writing. Being careful not to mention anything controversial, only sharing my experiences of the changes I've experienced since March 15. The only thing I think may have been the trigger for deletion was that rather than refer to any controversial subject directly I wrote in square brackets: "[let the reader use discernment]"  How unfortunate that speech is squelched. It will only hurt Airbnb in the end and I liked their concept so much. However, rather than transcending the petty politics of the moment, they'd rather embroil themselves in it. Airbnb had represented transcendence of race, nationality, etc. Essentially, I felt Airbnb could have had John Lennon's song Imagine as their theme song. That's how I live my life, regardless of what people are doing around me. I don't know if it's fear of retribution or fear that their numbers won't show an upward trajectory for their public offering, or what. However, just like all organizations, religions, and political leaders, as they progress, regardless of the initial noble intentions, in the end, the narcissists rise to the top. 

@Paul1105  What often is thought by posters to be censorship on this forum by the moderators generally is not. For one thing, the site is just glitchy- pòsts disappear and therefore many of us copy it before clicking on Reply, so we can paste it in again if it gets lost in cyberspace. If you read a lot on this forum, you'll see that there is a great deal of criticism of Airbnb, some of it quite strong, and it doesn't get deleted. An offensive word or phrase may be "hidden", but generally the rest of the post remains. 

No one is reading our posts before they post. They might get deleted or censored if other posters flag it as offensive, inappropriate, Spam, etc.