Airbnb blocks/hides 4digit numbers

Level 2
Cable, WI

Airbnb blocks/hides 4digit numbers

Airbnb is now blocking all 4 digit numbers!!!!  Key codes are blocked with "phone number hidden"!  The year of the stay is hidden/blocked with "phone number hidden"!  We change our key codes after each renter, so we do not use ABB to send the codes 3 days prior (using the "amenity"), too much of a hassle to deal with ABB!!!  When sending a guest a confirmation letter that has always included the key code and the dates, they are now hidden!  It took 73 minutes on the phone with ABB to resolve the 1 issue, AND, the ABB Rep. said they could not change it, we would have to do this each time!   Say what?!  We typically provide the link to the Chamber of Commerce so renters can check COVID related closures. Well OH NO!!!  ABB blocked/hide that!!!!  We also provide info to attractions, and if we don't have the link, we say "google" it. OH NO!  They now block/hide google!  What is wrong with ABB?!  


ABB need to do something!!!!  Their algorithms are totally messed up!!!  We've seen enough complaints regarding this.   Do something ABB!  Why should we be required to sit on the phone with a rep. for over an hour each time we send a confirmation email to a renter?!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


I know that Airbnb does obfuscate many numbers that are more than a few digits, and have had things like dates blocked, but haven't yet had the issue you mentioned.  Just five days ago I sent a guest the four-digit door entry code via the ABB message service, and he obviously received it, because he entered our apartment in Atlanta with it.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I potential guest asked me about taxes (as Airbnb swipes everything together in one amount).

So i explained amount of VAT and amount of Tourist tax involved. The figures were changed in "phone number hidden". Thank you, Airbnb.