
Level 2
Birkenhead, United Kingdom


Why is Airbnb supporting BLM?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

You're late to the party, @Helen18 .


WW3 broke out on this forum a couple of weeks ago due to someone asking the same question as you... I was one of the villified minority who disapproved of the donation....


- Type BLM into the search, top right for posts on the subject, eg 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Oh dear , in what way were you villified  @Helen350 ?


@Helen18  in common with many US and global companies including Apple , MSN, Facebook, Walmart,  and thousands of politicians, journalists, business people and celebrities, following the murder of  George Floyd by US police officers, Airbnb announced support for US organisations fighting against racism and police violence against black people.


As part of its commitment to equality and diversity  Airbnb announced it would be donating money to Black Lives Matter Foundation and NAACP (the largest grassroots human rights organisation in the US) to support their fight for equality and justice.


Some hosts do not approve of Airbnb making a donation to this type of cause.




Many hosts may or may not approve of sending donations to "Black Lives Matter Foundation" that was wrong link, and the Twitter link you provided got it wrong too. That's entirely the wrong charity.


Airbnb got it wrong, then changed it. Apple, Microsoft, Google and Dropbox all got it wrong too, and had to make amends:


This might explain matters if you want to understand more:


The intended charity was the Black Lives Matter social justice movement, or as updated by Airbnb the 'Black Lives Matter Global Network'. Many incorrect versions of this exist, still even on Airbnb. The Twitter post you posted is a wrong version with its '@address'.


@Helen350 @Helen18