An Unexpected Error has occurred. Your request failed. Please contact your system administrator and provide the date and time you received the error and this Exception ID: 37FF74E2

Level 2
Austin, TX

An Unexpected Error has occurred. Your request failed. Please contact your system administrator and provide the date and time you received the error and this Exception ID: 37FF74E2

I have posted a couple of times to the Community Center. But 50% of the time rather than creating a post I receive the error "

An Unexpected Error has occurred.
Your request failed. Please contact your system administrator and provide the date and time you received the error and this Exception ID: 37FF74E2.
Click your browser's Back button to continue.

Return to my original page"


I return to the page but the post is lost. Is this happening to anyone else?


Rick Culleton


Rick Culleton
4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It happens when you return to the community and still are logged in.

You first need to refresh the current page before continueing.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rick3713  It tends to happen if you compose a long post- it times out. After you've written your post, before hitting Reply, highlight and copy it. That way you can just paste it back into a new message box and hit reply again if it disappears into cyberspace.

Exception ID: 37FF74E2.


can someone help

@Christina1377  Did you read my post above yours?