Another shooting at an Airbnb(?) leaves 2 dead.

Level 5
Orinda, CA

Another shooting at an Airbnb(?) leaves 2 dead.

2 teen brothers 15 and 17, shot dead at Oakland party house rental. News is hinting it was an Airbnb rental.  Anyway to find out?   This rental wasn't that far from the Airbnb rental in Orinda where 5 were shot dead a killed.   

Anyone know if this was an Airbnb rental?

What can Airbnb do to prevent this from happening again?  One shooting at an Airbnb is one to many. 


With these shooting at Airbnb I'm wondering if any hosts are now carrying guns for protection? 



4 Replies 4

@Douglas353  This is devastating news, much like the many other times in the past that Airbnb rentals have turned into unwanted parties and ended fatally. For its part, Airbnb seems hellbent on punishing hosts for failing to prevent these parties, but the had guests get a bit of a free pass. 

Level 10
Penngrove, CA

@Douglas353  I heard in the news a parent rented for a teenage birthday party. Totally against the rules and what a tragedy. What was this parent thinking?!

This is the new norm.  Airbnb a place to have a party.  Guest is paying for the cleaning fee, so if it is trashed it's up to the host to clean.  Unfortunately where I live two of these parties have resulted in seven people being shot and killed and several others shot but not killed. 

Level 5
Orinda, CA

If it's against the rules, why does Airbnb continue to let this happen?