Apartman Bistrik21-Stari Grad

Level 2
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Apartman Bistrik21-Stari Grad

Ja sam Nermina.Sarajevo-Bosna i Hercegovina.Vise od dvije godine na platformi.Divni je biti dio tima upoznati mnoge ljude ,njihove vjeru ,kulturu tako se sprijateljimo i često se vraćaju u moj apartman.Volim putovati i istaživati.Volim ljude i nova prijateljstva.




I'm Nermina. Sarajevo-Bosnia and Herzegovina. I've been on the platform for over two years. It's wonderful to be part of a team, to meet many people, their faith, their culture, that's how we become friends and they often come back to my apartment. I love traveling and exploring. I love people and new friendships.


[Google translation added by OCM]

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Nermina8 😊

Welcome to the Community Center, and thanks for sharing this post!


How’s this experience been going for you so far?


I’m mentioning hosts from your area in case you’d like to connect and exchange tips: @Bruno1624@Irena163@Ema3296@Vedad2 and @Matteo1140.


Warm regards, 🌻



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