I've been a proud AirBnB sharing economy member since 2014, ...
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I've been a proud AirBnB sharing economy member since 2014, first as a super host and later as a shareholder in the initial I...
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With the current Covid situatoin, I reached out the Airbnb to ask if Private Room listings are still allowed considering the guests would have to share a home with other guests. They said I would be within my rights as a host to accept those bookings but I passed on a booking today not knowing what to do, not wanting to take a chance of upsetting my current guest(just in case he would feel uncomfortable). Now I'm having second thought about passing up on the $330 6 day reservation. Did I do the right thing?
Things are uncertain right now with income, so I want to maximize but at the same time I'm concerned with social distancing etc for not only my guests but myself since I live in an in law apartment on the other side. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
KiaOra @Frank526 My thoughts.
Thank you for passing and keeping your other guest and yourself safe.
Your new enquiry may well be asymptomatic of C-19 as its now thought by scientists (06/04/20) that these ‘vectors’ if you like can still shed the virus for up to a week before showing symptoms. Unless you can keep the two totally separated I would imagine it would be pretty much a disaster.
Stop the movement Kill the virus !
stay safe. Nga mahi.
Interesting "take." Thanks for the quick response! What did you mean by 6/4/20? I guess error on the side of caution by passing on the reservation was better option for now, until further notice anyway. I hope my current guest appreciates my courtesy because he DID mention in email about possibly checking out early. Its a 2 month reservation which I've had on the books since February and I can't afford to work out of my cancelation policy and refunding nights for early checkout. I confirmed with Airbnb and they said I am within my rights as a host unless he documents an "extenuating circumstance" which they said does not qualify for work/business trips getting cut short.
Again, thanks again for your information. In general, last year was my most successful year with Airbnb but I want to take my business up a notch and differentiate from the competition. Do some remodeling, updates, add some features but nothing super expensive. I just discovered this resource for questions. Anywhere on here you could point me in the right direction or any suggestions? It looks like a message board type but I can't find where all the threads are displayed, just a search tab?
@Frank526 That was our yesterday’s date of where I read the latest paper. But you guys put the month first huh? .
You can pop any query in the search tab and it should bring up various posts of the same thing.
It’s hard for me to get my head around the private room listings as that option is closed here.
@Frank526 There is no way you should be accepting reservations now in a shared home listing. Why on earth would you want to take the risk of exposing yourself and your current guest to a potential coronavirus infection? It isn't a matter of your current guest "feeling uncomfortable", it's a matter of putting his life at risk.
@Frank526, I have a shared home and I would say a definite no. I have blocked off the entire month of April and will probably do the same for May and June. It looks like you have a shared bathroom and other facilities as well. If the guest had a completely separate unit with their own bathroom and entrance, I would say a qualified maybe, but sharing your home with guests at the moment I really don't think is a good idea. It's a risk for both you, your other guests and them.
I'm a home-share host w/ private room & private bath but shared kitchen.... and I would not risk my health or the health of anyone I am in contact with in order to host a guest who I have no idea where they've been the past 14 days, who they've been in contact with and no control over in terms of where they go and who they are in contact with while staying in my home. Imagine what would happen if a guest were to get sick during their stay in my home..... or what if you end up sick while hosting an asymptomatic guest? Imo, no amount of income is worth risking your health. It's not about feeling comfortable or not.