What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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Thanks for the not so subtle warning, the time is right for us to talk about that on behalf of the majority of hosts, guests, and employees (all races) who don’t support what’s going on. Surely you would not willfully silence and discriminate against our peaceful protesting of oppression and racism, would you?
July 29, 2020 WH statement:
You might not be aware of that since Airbnb officially solicits guidance from CDT (Center for Democracy & Technology) who opposes the executive order, evidenced by their law suit. How long until host property is considered expendable as “reparations”? When BLM rioters start demanding non-black hosts give up their homes and turn it over to rioters as happened in Seattle, will Airbnb still proudly promote them and insist we comply as part of its antiracism initiative? Will project lighthouse to be renamed “give up your house”?
It was a very busy few weeks! Big tech was put on notice during house judiciary hearings. Not surprising, that discussion was deleted when presented here more than a month ago along with many other informative posts. Interesting developments in “Class action” against Patreon that’s technically not a class action (important?). Sandmann v Fake News worth a look, 2 down 6 to go. Senate hearings are helping a bunch of tyrants find the limits stemming from abuse of their authority. Can you believe Sally actually said Jimmy went rouge in her testimony? What a show! Take note of how quickly people turn on each other when under scrutiny. Can your moderating actions be categorized as “rogue” by your superiors later?
Users should not step out of the light of day and into the shadows of private messages with you to afford you the opportunity to make misrepresentations of fact and generate a one sided paper trail. Would it be a more authentic experience with fewer witnesses and even greater opportunity to corrupt user correspondence in a centrally controlled in-house message system? What you have to say regarding public matters can and should be conveyed transparently in the open. COVFEFE anyone?
With obligatory pleasantries out of the way let’s have a Q and A session for the benefit of the community that warrants public, truthful, responses regarding how moderating duties are carried out since they are in fact public matters, and this is the equivalent of the public square. Can it be claimed to be both private when it suits the censorship agenda, and simultaneously declared public when that’s more convenient?
-When a moderator initiates action of any kind, be it editing user comments, deleting user comments, issuing warnings, locking discussions, or outright banning users, are such actions carried out at the sole discretion of the individual executing these actions?
-Does that process involve input from others?
-Are those other entities lateral in their duties and authority? (consensus of peers vs handed down by higher authority)
-Who else (by title) is involved in an advisory capacity as it pertains to influencing content?
The protected speech presented in this public space contains open source material, often asking questions for others to answer for themselves. Much of it is highly relevant to this community, it is particularly relevant to hosts in light of the brand’s decision to willfully advocate for domestic terrorist groups bent on destruction of public and private property. Which brings us to the next series questions requiring public responses.
-When evaluating comments for removal, how much weight is given to other user feedback?
-How many users need to complain to warrant removal?
-Is it as simple as those who scream the loudest get their way?
-How much of the process is codified vs applied at the discretion of an individual?
-How much of your decision is based on your own personal bias/opinions?
-If the real majority [silent] consisting of all races and genders opted to speak up, would you then have to honor the wishes of the more conservative majority base?
-What training have you received in the detection of infiltration techniques? (POI present?)
-Can a single user, or group of users coordinate to just bombard mods with complaints to silence other users? (Easier to just go with mob tactics?)
-Are you knowingly collaborating with any entities to silence certain members, or to impact the valuation of the company to the benefit of either buyers or sellers involved with the pending IPO?
Unlike the absurd, corrupt, clown show played out in front of AG Barr, there will be no reclaiming of time here, you are afforded ample opportunity to respond publicly to these questions, and are encouraged to do so. Hence forth public disclosure of specific citation of rule violations for each instance when a user is censored is requested. If you are certain of the lawful application and interpretation of community guidelines within the greater context of law and God given, constitutionally protected, free speech, then you shouldn’t have any hesitation in publicly documenting your actions for future reconciliation against the rule of law.
More truth and important information is coming. It is imperative you cease from censoring the free speech of users in the public square, especially where the constitutionally protected rights of said users are being suppressed by foreign entities.
Are you prepared to defend your moderating decisions if it is later determined your decisions prevented or delayed potential life saving truth from being shared, violate the RICO act, aided or abetted known enemies of the state, supported money laundering/ campaign contribution violations, human trafficking or other, through this site, or protected related activities by preventing public awareness and reasonable discussion of such matters?
Grand juries are churning out approximately 6,000 sealed indictments every month (over 185,000 total) resulting in tens of thousands of arrests and subsequent disclosures. Silencing the alarm will not stop what’s coming. 150 NG heading to NSGB (routine training exercise?)
What do you think is the most probable outcome for this public forum in the absence of a meaningful coarse correction?:
-The forum goes dark before the end of the year
-Airbnb self destructs by alienating experienced hosts, some who in the past went before local authorities to advocate for Airbnb, meanwhile it spirals into the virtual equivalent of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, or the now defunct CHAZ and then the forum goes dark
-The wave of class action suits that is getting ready to wash over all social media formats and main stream media outlets engaged in censorship and suppression hits here and the forum goes dark
-Outside censorship pressure forces the forum to go dark to prevent public awareness
-Mass awakening occurs systemically and a majority in all levels of this organization simultaneously come to their senses before it’s too late
What leverage is being used to coerce individuals within big name companies to use those brands to support the anti American agendas of certain enemies? Discerning hosts will take appropriate measures to protect themselves, and their property, from the export of radical failed city policies and politics to our neighborhoods via the platform. If the foot we left in the door is finally removed, and the door closes, who will really be outside looking in? Hosts can only do so much to assist moderators and leadership and urge them away from driving this off a cliff. It’s not too late to get on the right side of things. Airbnb = Goodyear?
The platform was given wide latitude by “we the people” when it appeared to be acting in good faith toward all users, that grace is being abused and used to harm hosts, expose them to risk, and silence dissenting views. Sometimes a point in history is so significant that the citizenry cannot afford to sit idle as the world drastically changes under its feet. Is it time for the silent majority to come off the sidelines and get involved for the sake of truth, freedom, humanity, and the community?
Moderators can expend valuable time and energy opposing users, we can continue down that road if you choose, or you can stop abusing your authority and we can work together for the good of what’s left of this community. Is it worth saving, worth preparing innocent hosts, employees, and others? We the silent majority can just walk away, we can invest our time and resources elsewhere. Have you seen the mass exodus from blue states? TSLA moves to Texas? Speaking of Texas, how about those soccer players, or NBA, MLB, and WNBA massive viewership losses? No surprise that patriotic fans don’t appreciate all of that disrespect and kneeling. What is sports without fans? What is Airbnb without inventory?
If you’re trying do the right thing, this could help you stand your ground in defense of free speech and independent thought. Push accountability up the chain of command until someone willing to be the accountable public face of censorship is found. Maybe they’re already expecting you? Regardless, your editing/developing/coauthoring of user posts needs to conclude at this juncture.
Last week, Clinesmith (ex FBI lawyer) pled guilty to “modifying” information to achieve a desired result for other entities. Watch what happens next. We the people can backstop you, but you have to do your part and choose to stop acting adversarial toward us (sooner not later). Make Airbnb great again!
No part III necessary.
Hard to believe August is almost in the bag! Very hot! 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 115, plus+
Just proof positive that Airbnb doesn't discriminate. They let ANYONE be a host. I thought Mike's rant was a joke, but then again, where do I line up for those AIrbnb reparations? Airbnb owes us all reparations for their constantly changing terms of service.
Always great to see you on the Zoom calls where hosts seem sane and rational, btw 🙂
P.S. - loved Mike's "coarse" correction comment. Coarse seems like a Freudian slip. 🙂
@Christine615 Where indeed!
If I had read more than a sentence or two I’m sure I would have enjoyed that self-describing Freudian slip 🤣
Love seeing you on those calls, too. Sane and lovely. See you at the next one.
@Christine615 Do I seem sane and rational on the Zoom calls??? Wow, I knew the camera could add 15 lbs, but I'm impressed that it can actually inject an air of sanity! I'm liking Zoom more and more!
There isn't enough whiskey in the world to make me read the above tin-foil-hat inspired word salad.
Mods, for what it's worth, I think you do a good job here.
@Mike323 , I'm constantly baffled by how some Americans can get so much education on the American constitution and still have so little understanding of it. This forum is hosted and paid for by a private company. They make the rules, which you agree to when you join. If you don't like them, you're welcome to opt out. You can go stand on a street corner or on your own virtual street corner and say whatever you want: just don't be surprised when you're held accountable for what you're saying. You have the freedom to say what you want: the government can't stop you. But you're not free from the consequences of what you say. And you sure as heck can't make people listen.
@Mike323 Oh dear - Did no one ever teach you that if you really want to get a point across it needs to be concise?
Anyway, for what its worth, I think the moderators do a great job taking down offensive and dangerous content and long may they continue doing so.
@Mike323 Interestingly your post has not been moderated. Why not I hear you ask? Well its because it doesn't actually break any rules of the forum unlike many other posts. Most of us don't agree with the content of your post (or at least don't agree with the bits we understand) but that's fine. We do live in a world where free speech is allowed and encouraged.
I really don't want to post here, because every time someone posts something, all that happens is it keeps sorting to the top of the "recent posts" and one has to keep looking at it.
But, here we go again, for the umpteenth time.
The First Amendment protects individuals from government censorship. Social media platforms are private companies, and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit.
Please everyone stop responding to nonsense posts, so we can read something meaningful that we may actually choose to respond to.
Thank you.
@Ann72 I actually read the whole thing and then I see your post saying you wisely only read the first few sentences - where were you when I needed your guidance? LoL
Seriously speaking, walls of text usually will only serve to mask one's point.
@Fred13 LOL
"Walls of text usually will only serve to mask one's point" - so well put! Wasn't it John Adams who wrote to his wife, "I would have written a shorter letter but I didn't have time"? 🙂