
Level 1
Vänersborg, Sweden




Vi bokade en stuga då det var tillåtet med husdjur. Vi har en valp på 4 månader som ska följa med oss som håller på att bli rumsren, för det mesta går det alltid bra men skrev att det såklart kan ske en olycka, man vet ju aldrig med valpar. Då ville inte värden att vi skulle bo där då de hade en matta de var rädda om. Vilket gjorde att vi fick avboka ifall vi inte kunde hitta en hundvakt.


Mycket dåligt av värd då det står att det är tillåtet med husdjur i stugan. Dock står det att vi ska betala en serviceavgift på ca 580kr vilket känns konstigt då vi först blivit välkomnade dit alla 3 och sedan ändrade de sig. Hur löser man detta då det inte är vårt beslut att vi ej ”får/kan” bo där. 

Med vänliga hälsningar



*OCM added English Google Translation*


Hey! We booked a cabin as it was allowed with pets. We have a puppy of 4 months to accompany us who are getting room clean, most of the time it always goes well but wrote that it can of course be an accident, you never know with puppies. Then the host did not want us to stay there as they had a rug they were afraid of. Which meant we had to cancel in case we couldn't find a dog guard. Very bad by the host when it says that pets are allowed in the cottage. However, it says that we have to pay a service fee of about SEK 580 which feels strange when we were first welcomed to all 3 and then they changed. How do you solve this when it is not our decision that we do not "get / can" live there. Sincerely Jessica

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jessica-Zaida0  When you have a puppy, you need to pay close attention to it- you take it out for walks often enough that it doesn't have "accidents" in the house. You never leave it alone, because puppies will chew on furniture or the rug, or cry the whole time you are gone.

Your attitude of "of course can be an accident" sounds to me like you aren't very good at training your dog- a four month old dog that has been properly house-broken doesn't relieve itself indoors.

All I can suggest is that you continue to look for a "pets allowed" listing with a host who understands that if they accept pets, they probably shouldn't have a rug which can be ruined on the floor.  And you need to take responsibility for your dog's behavior, not dismiss it with some excuse that it's a puppy.

Otherwise, wait until the dog is older and trained before asking to stay in someone's home.