I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers...
I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers who want to enjoy the space and just relax, not just have a plac...
Back packer/family room
Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2
Hall way
Front room
Front room
I only noticed 1 bad review saying over priced for what it is. Try not to get to hurt by it, its a fair remark if they feel that way. Spiralling off in return might actually put more people off than the review itself. I totally get why its concerning to you though, part of the ''experience'' that im about to learn when i host. Your other reviews are great!
@Bente26 It looks like you didn't quite finish your posting - might you consider editing it while you still have the chance?
I can tell that you're upset with your listing's most recent review, but a collection of photos and tags does not amount to a question that the community can help you with. There are a lot of experienced hosts here who might be able to give you some advice, if you present a question.
A guests review stated that my place was very dirty. accomodation was cleaned by and commercial cleaner and updated by myself. I provided breakfast, filtered coffee, chocolate and flowers in the unit, she had booked my back packer room, but did not like it so I gave her a $100 for the unit at the same price $150 . I am most unhappy and don't know what to do now.
"I am most unhappy & don't know what to do now."
- There is nothing you can do about this review or what is past. Just try & put it behind you, and IF the place was dirty, clean it better, & if it WAS overpriced, then lower the prices!
Maybe have a lower base price for 2 people, then charge extra for each person over 2?
@Bente26 - I see this review was your first ever, and so far only review.... The guest gave you 2*, so understandably you are upset.
There are two possible explanations for your 2* review:
1. You were very unlucky to get a picky, ungracious guest as your first guest.
2. The place really was dirty & overpriced.
I would suggest looking at many other listings in your area and seeing what others charge to make sure you are not overcharging. Some hosts start hosting with a lower price than their rivals to get business & build up (good) reviews. Others prefer to offer the going rate from the start, in case ultra low prices attract the wrong sort of guest. You'd need to weigh up the pros & cons....
IF your place is clean & appropriately priced, then I'm sure future guests will give you a mixture of 4* & 5*, as most guests do.
@Bente26 - I see you charge the same price per night, whether for 5 people, or 4, or 3 or 2 or 1.... So maybe it IS a bit expensive just for a couple?
Your place looks nice, but simple & basic, no frills. If I were you, I would write a longer description of what you offer, stating that it is basic, no frills, backpacker style accommodation. That way, the folk who are disappointed it's not a pretty pretty country guest house will be forewarned and know not to book, or will book, knowing exactly what they're getting! You can avoid bad reviews by describing your place so that over fussy people do not book!
And if there's anything that people may not like - eg the bathroom/toilet is outside, or across the yard, then make that VERY clear eg "NB - THE TOILET IS NOT ACTUALLY INSIDE THE BUILDING; IT IS OUTSIDE IN THE YARD." - Then people who can not handle this will not book, & can't give a bad review. (An outside dunny would be a reason for a LOWER price than rivals with an inside toilet, imo.)
Your description says it sleeps 6, but when you go to book, you can only book for up to 5... You need to sort out this discrepancy!
I have a two bedroom self-contained unit and a 5 bed family/backpacker room with Bathroom across the yard, which I keep at a very low price because of that. I was hoping that my pictures would show that we keep the place clean, by Airbnb standard. Have shut down further bookings for now.
Hi Helen 350
Thank You for taking the time to write, I have actually been hosting for almost 20 years and never had this problem. Guess there is always a first time. Warm Regards Bente
As this is a new listing, with only that one bad review, I would strongly suggest that you delete the listing, and work on your presentation. Look at some other listings to get an idea of how people describe their places, how they interact with guests, etc. etc. Your listing description says virtually nothing and your photo gallery leaves a lot to be desired. You have duplicate photos, many of which are totally blurry, way too many outdoor shots, and why are there so many photos of a community hall to rent? Make sure everything looks nice before taking photos- the rugs are all bunched up on the floor and a bowl of candy on the table doesn't say "breakfast" to me, although the breakfast tray is also there.
In the future, if you get a review you don't like, try to refrain from leaving a defensive/aggressive response. Your review responses appear on your profile page, not the guest's and are read by future prospective guests. Your place looks pretty basic, nothing fancy, which is fine, but perhaps it is overpriced for what you are asking? The guest has every right to say that in her review if that is what she felt and I can assure you that excellent hosts can get far worse reviews than that one-liner.
Also, if a guest indicates they didn't find the place clean, there's no reason to assume that just because you hire a professional cleaner, that means the place is clean. Some cleaners miss stuff and you should be willing to look at that possibility. Of course, if the guest is just making things up, you'll know that, but to just dismiss it out-of-hand isn't a very good approach. (also never mention anything in a review response that the guest has told you privately- only respond to what is in the written review).
As it stands, when I look at your listing, I don't get any clear sense of what is being offered, what the house set up is, nor do I understand your pricing. When hosts have a place that sleeps large numbers, like 10 or so, they may often just have a whole house pricing, but a place like yours would be better if you had a base price for a couple, and an extra guest charge after that.
I might be coming across as over-critical, but I foresee you having more issues in the future if you don't make things clearer to guests.
Hi Sarah 977
Thank You so much for taking the time to write, I have actually been hosting for almost 20 years and never had this issue, guess there is always a first time, , I do just pricing according to number of guests and cleaning is done as per Airbnb recommendation. Thanks again, Bente (The old Yarragon Dairy)
@Bente26 Robert DeNiro has been acting for 56 years, but "Dirty Grandpa" still happened.
The thing is, the guest didn't mention anything about cleanliness in her review. All she wrote was that she considered it overpriced. So the cleanliness complaint must have been given in private feedback.
When a guest mentions or complains about something in private feedback, you shouldn't respond to that in a public response, because you just call attention to a complaint no one else would ever know about.
Best to answer private feedback privately, and only address things mentioned in the public review in your public response.
well it appeared to be part of the review, but I will go back and have a look, thank You
I only noticed 1 bad review saying over priced for what it is. Try not to get to hurt by it, its a fair remark if they feel that way. Spiralling off in return might actually put more people off than the review itself. I totally get why its concerning to you though, part of the ''experience'' that im about to learn when i host. Your other reviews are great!
Thank You kind Lady, yes I have since had some lovely reviews. Spoke to Airbnb also, who advise me not to worry, it seems some guest just like to write bad reviews.