I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I'm beating last years numbers since we've opened back up. I think people are tired of being cooped up in their homes and want to get out to do something fun. I hope you all are having success too!
-Don in Lithia Springs Ga.
Anyway, you could NEVER prove the virus was contracted at @Donald28 's, nor at any other Airbnb, as it would have died a natural death by the time anyone came to swab....
So, dead people won't be the responsibility of Donald then, because he'll get away with killing them Scott-free - based on your idea of the lack of evidence !?
Is this the level of compassion now @Helen350 ? Do it if you can get away with it - dead people don't matter? 😲 :shocked_face: Making a 'quick buck' never hit such a low place.
You're trolling @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 . No one is likely to die from touching a surface at an Airbnb that some infected person touched....
These days, experts talk about 'viral load' - To become really sick, you have to have someone exhale over you for some time; a micro-dose from a door handle, button on pinball machine is not likely to do harm......
The UK & US still have many infected people... but we can't lock ourselves away for ever..... things are opening up more dangerous than Airbnb.. the announcement on pubs re-opening in Britain is expected today/tomorrow.... a pub is a more dangerous environment than even a homeshare, more people, close proximity....
'Making a quick buck' you say... For some of us, It's our only income, we have no choice in order to pay the bills.... more honourable than scrounging off the tax payer.... No one is killing anyone... those worried about their health can shut themselves indoors for the rest of their lives if they wish... as @Donald28 says, you are more likely to die in a car accident.
You're trolling @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 . No one is likely to die from touching a surface at an Airbnb that some infected person touched....
So then, the cleaning regime of Airbnb is just a figment of imagination as its not needed and every cough on a game, or transferal of virus from a hand to a button is just to be ignored within hours of the previous guests leaving it? That's a risk.
Whether you need the income or not, placing a person in danger in order to satisfy a personal financial need is no reason to jeopardise a life. That's irresponsible and making a quick buck.
Not trolling, Helen. Just being responsible. If that doesn't 'fit' your circumstances, then that's your call, just don't argue that its sensible.
YES @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 ! The cleaning regime of Airbnb is ludicrously unrealistic, & over the top! - Who can wash curtains between Guests? - Guest draws curtains - guest washes HANDS! It is hands that need washing, not curtains!
Our government has always said we protect ourselves & others by 1) Keeping 2 meters distant, 2) Washing hands after touching anything that could be contaminated. 3) Avoiding touching own face with unwashed hands. - SIMPLE!
Since lockdown started on 23 March, I've hosted 4 workers totaling 38 nights in my own home with shared bathroom. This included a carer, a carer/nurse & an ex-nurse. All 4 were sensible in conversing minimally, & from a distance, but none showed any worry about extra cleaning, & in conversation all said they did not feel at risk in the situation. I told the carer I disinfected handles & taps before/after using the bathroom, He replied "Don't worry, I've got my tube of sanitizer!"
How many gaming machines do you have in your listing Helen?? Zero !!
You will note from the beginning of the conversation that no issue was ever made of Don's "Tiny House". That's the least of the problem. His visitors will be living in the Games Room. It is there where there is most chance of risk.
Must be a BIG space to house 40 machines... The bigger the space, the more the air can disperse.... (Safer than in a Whitehaven taxi!) Doesn't take log to wipe the surface of a pinball machine, nor the buttons..... My straw poll of my own guests shows people aren't bothered.... And those who ARE bothered won't go to @Donald28 's!
1400 sq ft with adequate HVAC system. I don't see a threat.
I recently had guests that were so fat that I had to actually tell them as nicely as possible, not to sit in the swinging chairs or use the pool slide. Luckily, I was outside when he started to ease his gigantic body into my delicate ikea swinging chair that hangs from a wooden pergola. Just because you choose to weigh 400 lbs does not mean that everything on my property needs to be able to support you.
I even had to specify in my listing that the swinging chairs and the slide were max 225 lbs but people don't read the listing so they think that anywhere they can wedge their fat bodies should be ok.
People need to start taking responsibility for themselves. Hosts need to start being blunt to lessen liability and potential issues.
I figured if I said something controversial that i'd get more than 4 people willing to engage. So there it is. People seem to just want to argue and push their ideals on everyone here. Bummer.
If people don't want to come to my place, they can stay home or go to a regular arcade and wear a mask, gloves and hang out with and touch all the buttons that many strangers they don't even know just touched.
I like a night off once in a while anyway. 🙂
@Donald28 Not the least bit resentful. Incredulous that you choose to be one of the people contributing to the spread of the virus and don't give a hoot. And spout complete uninformed nonsense about how it's not any more dangerous than the flu, and seem completely and willfully ignorant as to how long the virus hangs in the air and who is at risk. Perfectly healthy 30 year olds have died from COVID.
Thanks to you and your ilk, this virus will be infecting and killing people for far longer than if everyone had taken it seriously from the beginning and done the right thing as far as isolating and wearing masks when in public.
Airbnb should place a warning on listings with hosts with attitudes like yours. "The host of this listing thinks Coronavirus is a media hype and doesn't think it's necessary to sterilize and leave the unit empty for 24 hours between guests."
sarah how could you make the leap to me not sterilizing my property between guests? What gives you any idea that I don't do that?
Our federal and local governments (and airbnb itself) is behind georgia USA hosts 100%, encouraging us to be open and rent our places to people so we can get on with life. You're from mexico. Concentrate on that area. You know nothing about Georgia USA.
I have watched you spew your uninformed & unwanted opinions into almost every post on this and all the other CC boards. You act like you know everything about everything and that only your opinion is right. You just keep on spewing your bullshirt and I'll keep mostly ignoring it.
Carry on.
@Donald28 Just because I live in Mexico doesn't mean I'm unaware of what is happening in Georgia. Governments are behind lots of things that aren't a good idea. So far, "encouraging people to be open so we can get on with life", has resulted in spiking infection rates and more deaths. Everywhere.
Hi everyone,
I'm going to ask to drop this line of discussion as it is inflammatory. The insensitive comment has been edited so continuing to discuss it defeats the purpose of it being managed. It would be a shame having to close this thread so ask you all to move past it.We all very pleased to see your successes @Donald28 and celebrate with you! Did you reset the high scores in the arcade ahead of this deluge 😉?
Did I miss something? I thought the conversation was going swingingly, Donald was looking for a 'high score' himself' I think.. Donald and Helen were having a 'love-in', Donald was going to get visitor types from Whitehaven supermarkets in a taxi (with their shopping), and the only original insensitive comment by @Donald28 towards @Sarah977 is still there ?! There must have been something else? 😂
I have questions on this further too, relating to HVAC usage, recirculatory or extract, and what Airbnb directives there are on these things along with their - apparent nonsense - cleaning advice? Is the Airbnb cleaning advice now a nonsense @Nick ? I was going to sign up for that cleaning policy, but I'm not so sure now after this conversation - whether its entirely relevant, necessary, or not? Maybe you can confirm either way by contacting the relevant department in Airbnb and let us know definitively?
With the 72 hour policy, the 24 hour policy, cleaning directives, safety statements and disregards, bookings... this whole conversation seems pivotal on and specific to Airbnb not making clear their expectations. Can you confirm what those are please? Is it OK for Airbnb to send guests to some - (hypothetical) risky listing somewhere? What is the income/risk evaluation in such?
Oh, also... Can you chase up the relevant departments in Airbnb to get cancellations sorted out quicker too. @Stephanie is busy with a few other important questions I believe... Guests blocking up calendars whilst they wait for replies to pseudo-Corvid cancellation requests are preventing bookings. Once I get the "We're sorry we need to cancel due to the (we're attesting...) no real Covid excuse message..." I'd like my calendar freeing up then please. Right then. And it not being blocked by lying time waster guests.