Level 2
RVK, Iceland


Ok, so I had another local host from the north, book a room of 4 for 3 adults and 2 babies, aged 5 and 2.
the 5 year old peed the hell out of the bed. WHY did they not night diaper him???!!!they only diapered the 2 year old.

The customer kept telling me he had 3 cabins that he sold online airbnb and other platdforms, so he knows the airheads that cause problems.

When they left, the customer kept telling me, his child made " an Accident" like 4 times.. I was not sure... i thought he spilled his juice or his food, so I did not check immediately, then when i was cleaning, he had folded the told mattress layer in a roll and pulled the bedding out. the blanket, the pillow and the top mattress was in alot of PEE!


So what can I do, he informed me as he left about the accident, I did not charge him straight away and now I have 11 days to leave a review.. what shall I even write in his review.. can anyone write a sample review for me?? and shall i request for compensation?


WHY would you go to someone elses property as a host and not put a night diaper on your infant child that is too small to wake up and climb down from a bunk bed and pee on his own?


I am so confused.. this sucks.

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Cheap-Sleep0 great topic for hosts that have families stay. I have tried to overcome this situation by having mattress protectors which are made of cotton with plastic underlay. I also provide disposable bed pads and leave these displayed on the beds. As we live on site and showing guests through cottage I explain that these are for their children as sometimes they may have accidents as they are often in a different area than they have at home, they are often tired while on holidays and don't  make it to the toilet during thenight. Most parents are appreciative that we have thought of this. No accidents so far, it is better to be prepared than deal with the consequences is my motto.

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

last year Aldi was selling waterproof washable "sleeping pads" (roughly 1x1m) and i bought one for my teen daughter who is prone to period accidents. I wish now i'd bought a heap of them to leave in our airbnbs, so far we've not had any major accidents and only 1 doona cover ruined (by some mystery yellow stain with no smell)