What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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I made a reservation more than a week ago. Immediately after making it, I realized that the dates were wrong so I requested a change of dates by three days, and also emailed the host letting them know. This was 5 minutes after my initial reservation. I waited for two days and still heard no word at all from the host. If I had known she would have been unresponsive, I would have just cancelled and re-done my reservation but of course I didn't know that she would not answer. At this point, I wrote the Airbnb support and let them know of the situation. After not hearing back from them, I wrote again requiring about cancelling and getting a full refund so I can choose another spot for my vacation. Since it has been more than a week now, I would really rather just collect a full refund and work with a host who I can count on getting back to me. I have now reached out to Airbnb about five times both online and over the phone. I am so frustrated and at a loss! I am on pause planning my vacation because I don't want to book my new place without getting my refund from the old place. Has anyone dealt with anything similar? Any advice or knowledge on how long I might have wait to hear from anyone?
In your situation, I would inquire with my credit card company regarding my options for a chargeback.
As you have already put in a request to the host to amend the booking and they haven't responded. I would call not write to Airbnb. Their call centres are busy so you may have to wait - persevere. @Veronica826
(I presume you have already checked that the new dates you want are available).
All the ways of contacting Airbnb are in the Contact Airbnb post towards the top of the forum you are posting in.
Thank you for the advice! I have called and talked to someone but I am considering calling again.
@Veronica826 That's terrible and so frustrating! You would have been able to cancel for a full refund if you hadn't been kept waiting for more than 48 hours.
You might also try to contact @Airbnbhelp with a direct message on Twitter. You will need to give them your name, telephone number associated with your account, and email address associated with your account, as well as the reservation number. Even there, though, wait times for answers are at least 24 hours.
My tried and true message for getting an answer on Twitter is to send three messages together:
First message: name, email address, telephone number
Second message: I have a question about [reservation #]
Third message: Immediately after booking I requested a date change, and the host hasn't responded in over a week.
Don't say anything more. You're dealing with a severely overextended customer service department.
If the host was a Superhost, she may not be for long, because responsiveness is one of the requirements. If she wasn't, I would recommend only booking at places hosted by a Superhost in future.
@Ann72 Thank you for the advice! I am definitely wishing I would have just cancelled instead of trying to change my reservation... But I've never had this problem before so I assumed the host would get back to me in time one way or the other.
I don't have a Twitter but I am going to use your format if I have to email them again! Good call on only booking with Superhosts in the future; I will definitely pay more attention to that next time.
I know this sounds old fashioned, but did you try to call the host to confirm if they received your message and request, and ask them to respond to the message via Airbnb's message system or change the reservation for you? Hosts are usually regular people with lives, and not staff at a hotel or property management company. It's very possible that the host meant to respond, and forgot about it. I know that I often for...for...forget.....Dang, what was I going to say?
@Debra300 But a good point - @Veronica826 have you tried to call her up? Sometimes notifications are wonky and we don't get them.
I'm having this very same issue! I've waited over a week for Airbnb to get back to me. Have they gotten back to you? I'm worried because if I just cancel by tonight I still get half my money back. (But I feel like I have grounds to get a full refund if Airbnb ever responds.) Any advice? Is it worth waiting for Airbnb or should I just cut my losses?
If your situation is similar to @Veronica826's and you've not heard from the host via Airbnb's message system, call them to say that you want to change your dates, and ask them to make the updates for you, if the dates are available.
@Trevor-Jess0 Hey, unfortunately I still have not heard from the host OR from Airbnb. It has been almost 10 days. I sent multiple message and called. I am still persevering in hopes to get my full refund back because now we still need to reserve a new place and move forward with the vacation. But it's out of stubbornness-- not patience! I am so frustrated because I have never had any issues with Airbnb or hosts before. Good luck; I hope they refund you!
@Veronica826 You have the host's telephone number on your confirmation. I would call the host and ask what the heck is going on! If you still don't get a good vibe from them or they don't return your call then you have to pursue Airbnb to cancel.
Hi @Emilia42 I actually did try to call a couple days ago and couldn't get through. I have already contacted Airbnb, once and the phone and multiple times through the messaging on help center, and have not heard back once from anyone 😕 I am waiting to get my full refund before booking at another spot so it is very frustrating!
In your situation, I would inquire with my credit card company regarding my options for a chargeback.
@Debra300 That is a really great idea and I had not thought of it!!! Thank you for the advice, I think this is my best option at this point! I hate to cause trouble for the host but at this point I really do not have many good options.