Cancellation Policy: how do I know which policy the guest is seeing?

Level 7
Milbridge, ME

Cancellation Policy: how do I know which policy the guest is seeing?

Does anyone have insight about the Cancellation policy titled  "Modified Strict or Non-refundable BETA" from the guest's perspective?  i.e., what they see and when?


It seems that we can't really test it via preview because airbnb algorithms decide which version of the policy to show the guest (Note that it says under the modified strict Beta: "We’re testing this policy—it’ll only be shown to 50% of your guests. The other 50% will be shown your current Strict cancellation policy.")


I'm confused primarily about the statement  "your current Strict cancellation policy" - well, I don't currently have the Strict policy selected.  So does that mean half of my views see modified strict, half of them see strict, and ALL of them see the non-refundable option?


Fortunately we've never had a cancellation so I haven't had to fully understand this.  In the 'reservation confirmed' emails that I receive, I know the policy is listed there but the terminology doesn't always align.  For the past 5 months, all but three of my guests have reserved under the 'Modified Strict' policy.  One of them shows 'non-refundable' and two of them read "non-refundable (grace period)'; I don't know what the latter means but will do some research.


The main reason for my post is that I have a prospective guest asking for more detail about our cancellation policy...and I can't easily answer them!  Of note: I have reviewed the reservation details included with the inquiry sent by this prospective guest and it does not include the cancellation details.


Thanks for reading.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Nicole2223, perhaps take a look at this link


I hope this helps!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Nicole2223  It definitely sounds like a confusing mess and I have no insight to offer on it. 

But were you wanting to use the non-refundable option? If so, I can tell you that it's probably not a great idea. I've read several posts where hosts who had chosen to offer non-refundable were overridden by Airbnb CS, who gave guests a full refund anyway, because the guest somehow managed to convince the CS rep that they deserved it.