Yet another guest tells us they are not coming, but not cancelling because they see Air BnB keep changing the dates extending free cancellation. The guests are saying that they can cancel on arrival date so will wait and see if for free then... cost them no more to wait than cancel now... but if they know about the CV situation now, they know they are not coming now, they should not be allowed to sit on a reservation stopping hosts from re advertising it? They said they don’t want to cancel and may ask for free dates change... that costs me the same €, better they cancel and I can re advertise. We have bookings from many sites and directly. We opted ourselves to refund our guests if during lockdown. We think it is fair. Also Arranged a booking site Refunded one guest who had no right to cancel because they did rebook later in October instead, they took the .£ then cancelled the new dates.
But some are bookings outside the Spain April 26th lockdown, but inside the air BnB free refunds dates June 1st.
trying to do the right thing but a free transfer is not free to us, costs more .
air BnB need to put a deadline on guests with this offer going out, cancel now for refund, you cannot wait, you cannot take a hosts accommodation and sit on bookings you won’t use. They cannot stop us from reselling ones they have no intention of arriving at .