Cancelling within 24hrs of checkin

Cancelling within 24hrs of checkin



Our guest checked in but complained of issues - he did not want me to fix the issue. 


If the Host issues refund to the guest within 24hrs of check-in, will the guest still  be allowed to leave a review?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Yes, he can leave a review.

What are the issues and why does the guest not want you to fix it ?

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

A guest can leave a review starting from 24 hours before check in, even if they cancel and do not stay. This has nothing to do with whether a refund is issued or not. I recommend you read the guest refund policy so you know the procedures guests and hosts are to follow when there are issues @Cristina-And-Daniel0