Congratulations to our Airbnb Superhosts - July 2024 Edition!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Congratulations to our Airbnb Superhosts - July 2024 Edition!



It's that time of year to celebrate your big achievements 🎊, hard work 🎆, and passion for hosting ❤️. Congratulations to all our new Superhosts and to those who have been recognized with this status once again! 🙌


Would you like to share a bit about your journey? What great lessons have you learned, and what were the motivations behind reaching this significant goal? Tell us your secrets 😃


Our community has been the place where many Hosts come for the first time to seek suggestions or advice on offering a great hosting experience. This wouldn’t be possible without all our experienced Hosts who are always eager to share their knowledge and help each other improve. Whether you're a new Superhost seeking guidance or an experienced one looking to share your wisdom, the Community Center is your go-to place to connect with like-minded members 🌟


One of the most incredible things about our community is that it spans seven languages 🌎 EnglishFrenchItalianSpanishPortugueseGerman, and Dutch!! So, join us and share your journey!


Congratulations, and keep up the fantastic work, everyone! 🌟


I'll tag all the new Superhosts who've visited us over this week below ⬇️  


@Fernanda1415 @Fathima-Dinazarde0 @Jeffrey785 @Zakaria110 @Alexia262 @Kathleen187 @Julieta204 @Jill1477 @Ayush63 @Rogerio123 @Hasliza0 @Frank2069 @Paula2759 @Alicia1264 @Ana-K59 @Sayed36 @Udoka1 @Amy-And-Yasha0 @絵里奈--Erina-0 @Juan5274 @Nicholle4 @Monica2655 @Simone1513 @Samuel827 @Heidi22 @Rene2609 @Herman245 @Anoop11 @Stella407 @Sue2402 @Stefano1253 @Kader53 @Michael9046 @Simone1923 @Aaron1270 @Anna-Lisa15 @Véronique701 @Giulio327 @Meltem-Yaprak0 @Valerio321 @Ashok69 @Wangui0 @Christian4059 @Ruby167 @Puneet26 @Bade51 @Greta195 @Ruby167 @Rikke39 @Willard8 @Carmen92 @Brienne5 @Sonja361 @Mais93 @Vasiliki49 @Teddy-Roland0 @Diogo207 @Adi0 @Tiemmeci0 @Kumuda1 @Mavília0 @Cegeng-Lestari-Guesthouse0 @Susanna328 @Abdullah193 @Muralidharan1 @Willard8 @Hasliza0 @Sherrie-And-Chris0 @Frederic823 @Concetta113 @Sathis18 @Alessandra1549 @Ibrahim220 @Mavília0 @Ruby167 @Foula0 @Mavília0 @Rikke39 @Lisa9527 @Shivin1 @Cegeng-Lestari-Guesthouse0 @Delvy0 @Giacomo461 @Inmaculada-C-0 @Valerio321 @Rikke39 @Doni2 @Stella407 @Sandra6872 @Kemet1 @Ossama2 @Sol2022 @Sandra6872 @Jean-Michel202 @Isabelle2437 @Jacqueline1120 



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36 Replies 36
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Anne14944, wow, that's amazing. Congratulations! 🎉


Do you have any suggestions for our new Hosts to get off to a great start like you did?


Looking forward to reading more about your wonderful experience 😊



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Level 2
Austrey, United Kingdom

Hello Paula, we’ve focused on the little touches to make it feel like a home from home and we actually spent a weekend in our own rental to check we’d thought of everything.

One of our walls is blackboard paint so I can write a personalised welcome message to each set of guests.

Keeping everything super clean has been a big win too.

We strive to offer the best place, with comfort and  a clean environment for our guests. Large spacious rooms and large patio for entertaining swimming and spa for relaxing.

Thank  you for a super host platform.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Laura7513 😊,


Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and congratulations again on this significant achievement!


Is this your first time receiving Superhost status, or have you achieved it before? How long have you been hosting on Airbnb?


Feel free to share more about your journey, or start a new conversation here if you have any questions.


Best regards,



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Level 2
Nerja, Spain

Hola Paula 


Encantada de formar parte de este grupo, llevo dos años ya.


Desde finales de marzo estoy sumergida en una reforma, un reto diario ya que han surgido contratiempos, pero seguimos con perseverancia e ilusión, deseando volver a recibir huéspedes.


Un Saludo desde Nerja, Costa del Sol, España.




Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hola @Inmaculada-C-0, es un gusto tenerte en nuestra comunidad y muchas felicitaciones por recibir el status de Superanfitrión.


¿Cuales han sido tus mas grandes motivaciones para ofrecer la mejor experiencia de alojamiento en Airbnb?


Cuéntanos un poco de tu experiencia. 


Un saludo




Hello Inmaculada,


It’s a pleasure to have you in our community, and congratulations on achieving Superhost status!


What have been your biggest motivations for offering the best hosting experience on Airbnb?


We’d love to hear more about your journey.


Best regards,



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Level 2
Piedmont, CA

congrats yall! welcome to the club! happy hosting. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada


Hello @Rafael1421,  Congratulations 🎉! Is this your first time achieving Superhost status, or have you had it before?


Feel free to share more about your journey, or start a new conversation here if you have any questions.


Best regards,



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Level 2
Charlottetown, Canada

Thanks so much!  We really are excited to be Superhosts.  It took sometime to get here.  We are really looking forward to growing our business.  Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @John-and-Marley0


Congratulations on this big achievement! 😊 How long have you been a Host on Airbnb? What strategies did you use to achieve the Superhost status?


Looking forward to learning from your experience 🌟



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Level 2
Oppdal, Norway

Hello Paula 🙋‍♀️

I am happy to be a member of this community. I have been superhost in 4 years time. I have done al the carpentering innside of my cabin’s. I have used old material from my mother’s farm,so it’s very rustic and cosie mountain cabin’s with gras on the roof. It have been lot of work, but all the very beautyful and nice people who have visited me and left the most positiv messages at the Airbnb and on my privat cabin books ! That make me happy. I do live in the main house, so i welcome everybody and Help them about where they can ski and hike in the mountains nearby.

So Thank you ! 
May Kristin 🙋‍♀️

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @May-Kristin0, thank you so much for sharing your experience; it is very inspiring 🌟


We would love to hear more about your journey, so please feel free to start a new conversation here if you would like to share any tips or recommendations with our lovely Host community.


Best regards 😊



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Level 3
Odense, Denmark

Kære Paula

Mange tak for din velkomsthilsen😁


Jeg er Rikke, og fra er Danmark. Vi har et hus ved havet på en ø der hedder Langeland. 

Vi købte det i 2021 og det var et rigtigt “ gør det selv projekt”. Huset er fra 1974 og det har fået 1.sal i 1995. 

Vi har selv sat det I stand og indrettet det. Vi har benyttet os af Genbrug og Upcycling.  Kun køkkenet er nyt. 

Vi udlejer primært til gæster fra Tyskland. De elsker Danmark og Langeland på grund af havet og den hyggelige måde vi indretter vores hus på. 

Det har været meget positivt at være Airbnb-vært og jeg glæder meget over endelig at blive Superhost.  

Som et ekstra til vores gæster, bliver de modtaget af en kurv med vin🥂, chokolade, chips, hjemmelavet marmelade ect. Altid tilpasset den enkelte familie ( børn, alder, mærkedage ect)


Jeg skriver også et håndskrevet postkort på deres sprog og byder dem velkommen. Det er er noget de bliver meget glade for og som gør at de føler sig meget velkommen. 


tak for medlemskab. Jeg håber vi kan inspirere hinanden i dette fælleskab. 

De bedste hilsner fra Danmark ( vi taler dansk ikke hollandsk😂)






Dear Paula

Thank you very much for your welcome😁


I'm Rikke and I'm from Denmark. We have a house by the sea on an island called Langeland. 

We bought it in 2021 and it was a real "do it yourself project". The house is from 1974 and it got a first floor in 1995. 

We have set it up and furnished it ourselves. We have used Recycling and Upcycling. Only the kitchen is new. 

We rent primarily to guests from Germany. They love Denmark and Langeland because of the sea and the cozy way we decorate our house. 

It has been very positive to be an Airbnb host and I am very happy to finally become a Superhost.  

As an extra for our guests, they are welcomed with a basket of wine🥂, chocolate, chips, homemade jam etc. Always adapted to the individual family (children, age, anniversaries etc)



I also write a handwritten postcard in their language welcoming them. It is something they are very happy about and which makes them feel very welcome. 


thanks for membership. I hope we can inspire each other in this community. 

Best regards from Denmark (we speak Danish, not Dutch😂)




[Google translation added by OCM]


Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Rikke39, thank you for your wonderful comment 💕
It's fantastic to see the effort you pour into hosting. Is this the first time you've achieved Superhost status? How long did it take you to reach this milestone?
I've included an English Google translation of your comment; I hope that's alright with you 😊



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Kære Paula

selvlgelig er det i orden🤗 

Superhost status har taget ca 1 år på 10 besøg. Topkaraktere i alle kategorier, hver gang. Vi er glade og stolte Superhost’ere🥰