Connecting with hosts in my area

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Connecting with hosts in my area


I would like to connect with hosts in my area so we can share local info on events and help each other out. What is the best way of doing this?




2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Garry, I have found this a most rewarding thing to reach out to other hosts in my area.

I have got together with 5 other Airbnb hosts, we have a cup of coffee at a local cafe every couple of months, talk about our issue and we help each other out.

I had a situation where I had 2 confirmed Airbnb reservations in my property for the same night. CX in Manila were hopeless but, I got onto one of the other hosts who took on one of the bookings for my regular nightly fee.....we never even changed any of the 'paperwork', I just transferred the payout to the other host when it came through! It could have gone off the rails, but, it didn' worked like clockwork!

On another occasion I took over a reservation for another hosts who was about to start an aggressive breast cancer treatment and could not proceed with her booking. The guest actually loved the fact that we worked together and the camaraderie that we showed in solving a problem!


Airbnb will not provide you with any local host details Garry, so what I will notice on the performance section of your profile, if you go to 'Views' you will see 12 other local listings. I just sent a message to those that I felt could be good contacts for me to know.....5 of them responded and we have since formed an Airbnb nucleus in my home area.


Similar listings.png

It works really well and I highly recommend you do the same Garry!



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have a look and see if there is a host group for your area on FB and if not set one up and promote on other UK related host groups @Garry102