I think the most important thing to note about this virus is that it is airborne which is why there is such rapid spread. A perfect example is the cruise with over 600 cases and those are just the ones that showed up before they were allowed to disembark.
It's also important to point out that people can shed the virus (meaning they can infect others) before they show signs of being infected themselves. The incubation period, where the person is infectious before they show signs, has been found to be as long as 3 weeks for some people.
Tests are not readily available and half the ones that are aren't giving us the correct results. We have had a record number of deaths from the flue this year, schools are shutting down because of the flue in the US. is it the flue, or is it the coronavirus that has symptoms similar to the flue?
So yes on the face masks BUT in order for them to be effective, they must fully secure around the face and must be the proper grade mask. You can also contact coronavirus through your eyes.
Because it is airborne, simply not touching someone with the virus isn't enough.
Wash hand and use hand sanitizer.
Avoid large crowded events and places.
Wipe down surfaces of your house that are commonly touched like the bathrooms, door knobs, light switches, and counter tops with bleach.
Stock up on basic necessities like water and dry goods.