I got my CIN but I could not manage to find how to use the i...
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I got my CIN but I could not manage to find how to use the instruction not only due to italiano but it is not clear. I'm look...
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Hello All,
Hope you are well.
Firstly, I would like to say that my heart goes out to all affected from the Coronavirus disease, from those physically, through to those affected economically by it. I truly am so, so sorry and ask that you stay safe.
Having spoken with someone I adore and respect wholeheartedly but know has a tendency to worry... I wanted to take this opportunity to share a very useful source of information regarding prevention methods.
All credit to the World Health Organisation.
I hope whoever actually reads this is given a sense of security and comfort, as knowledge is ultimately power.
Stay safe everyone.
(a former healthcare professional)
Thanks @Yadira22, it most certainly has affected my bookings the last month, which have been nearly half what they usually are. Obviously, that is insignificant compared with the people who have been physically affected or have lost friends and family. It is estimated the coronavirus will cost the Australian economy around a billion dollars in lost tourist and student income. Anyway, thanks for sharing the WHO tips. Although the Australian (and other) governments have closed their borders to people travelling from China, the virus is still managing to spread around the world, and it is critical that we hosts take precautions to protect ourselves from it, especially when we have travellers from around the world constantly in and out of our homes (which I do). Stay safe, host family!
This is so true @Kath9 and it really is terrible. Money can be recovered (albeit it’s still very difficult) but lives unfortunately not.
Sending so much love your way and keep on going... all the best wishes for your business and stay safe ❤️
Thanks @Yadira22
It doesn't seem to have affected our bookings as yet.
We hosted some Chinese guests last weekend, some French guests the past couple of days.
It has affected my day job business though. Delays from suppliers who source in China and uncertain delivery dates from my Italian supplier now.
Our guests seem to be from all around the world, at least half of them from Germany, but also Russia, the US, france, Holland, Lithuania, Latvia, japan, china, australia, new zealand, and that's just off the top of my head from bookings coming in.
I suppose if it's going to get you it's going to get you.
At the end of the day it is another flu.
Most of us may have had real flu once or twice in our lives. Not nice.
The world keeps turning. the sun comes up in the morning.
Do you put your life on hold, isolate yourself, or just carry on. 🤷
What is annoying is that we have always used and provide hand sanitizing gel in the bathroom, and now we can't get any because of all the panic buying.
Hi @Kevin1322
Regarding cancelled bookings- we have had only one cancellation ourselves but I suppose we are very fortunate regardless.
Regarding delays in getting stock in- I could only imagine. Every year we used to get huge delays from Hong Kong/ Chinese stock for their new year and most factory workers quitting and the two week holiday etc. I remember being more stressed out around Valentine’s Day than Christmas for this very reason... used to celebrate valentines in April or something lol.
Now, I can imagine how this has affected production and shipment of goods. But obviously safety first...
Still, I wish you luck in your business- better days are coming!
Hi Kevin
it isn’t another flu - there isn’t a vaccine to prevent getting it, and according to The Guardian today, if current estimates are accurate, the mortality rate could be 10 times the flu mortality rate. Unfortunate- but until there is a vaccine, it would be great for the less healthy if people restricted their plane travel and ar the same time put the reduction of carbon emissions before business. Gillian
@Gillian287 When they do create a vaccine I sure do hope it is better than the flu shot. I know well over 100 people in my tiny town who got the flu this winter while still getting the flu shot. I've never had the flu shot and it's been another winter spared!
well, yes, that is a point - it's not yet got a vaccine.
But I'm buggered if I lived through the the Rave scene and the AIDS epidemic to die from something named like a weak beer.
*says that like I have a choice* lol
Hi all,
was also thinking it might be a good idea to post these around the house, especially during this time. Will serve as a good reminder to everyone the importance to washing your hands properly and also easy preventable measures which could be taken...
Thank you 🙏🏻
Literally *yes* it is another flu. I am a qualified life support supervisor used to specialise in pneumothorax and infection control in saturation diving, which is a very confined environment.
Literally Coronovirus encompasses the cold/flu spectrum. the clue is in the name: COVID-19
So if it not a flu, what is it?
Admittedly there is no vaccine. There was no vaccine to the "Asian flu" of the 1970s. Or the Spanish flu in the late 1910s.
Many of us are going to get it. Many of us may die.
But it is still a corono virus, family common cold/flu.
I appreciate that you are worried, just as I am, .but it is still a flu. That is just a fact.
Technically speaking, it's actually not a "flu".
Coronaviruses and Influenza viruses are in completely different virological orders.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nidovirales (coronavirus)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthomyxoviridae (influenza)
It is true that the "common cold" can sometimes be caused by a coronavirus. It is, though, most commonly caused by a rhinovirus.
Finally a testimony from a recent patient:
The panic will be many times more harmful, then the virus.
Some basic goods are gone - beans, lentils, potatoes, rice, sunflower oil, olive oil, flour and pasta - all disappeared from stores for just 3-4 days. Grocery stores make more turnover and profit than Christmas and New Year's.
There is still no cases of coronavirus here, but the panic is fact.
Toilet rolls are sold out in many places.
Toilet rolls!
What goes on in some people's heads?