@Mary312 Everybody has their own idea of what the "right type of hosting" is. In my experience, the fact that some people need extra income is not a very effective argument when you're seeking to move public policy over an activity that many find undesirable. I mean, plenty of people support their families in hard times by selling drugs too, but that's not the strongest argument for legalizing them.
Here's another take on it: the best way to demonstrate the case for short-term rentals in residential housing is to show that, unlike purpose-built hotels, it can be retooled and repurposed when the needs of the moment change. We are not nearly far enough along in the course of this pandemic to be thinking about tourism yet, so your petition sounds purely self-interested and tone-deaf. But the best argument I've encountered for STRs is that, when regulated sensibly, these properties offer the modularity to shift between tourism, long-term housing, and emergency shelter without architectural intervention.
Perhaps that's not the way you feel about it, but does that not sound a little more persuasive than "waaaah I sure could use more money"?