how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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Re your email on travel restrictions.
Why would anyone in their right mind check with/follow information from the World Health Organization.? Tedros is a liar and a puppet for disinformation for China. This is the most corrupt organization in the world that has literally killed thousands around the world by failing to sound the warning of CV19 when they knew it in Dec. 2019. Tedros finally admitted it was a problem after the world had been infected (Jan. 20, 2020) . I am offended Airbnb advocates listening to anything the WHO says.
Good evening @John4704
The lies and misleading information goes back further than 2019 and involves more than just WHO been negligent.
Look up Philip Morris v Juul , Altria Howard Williard and join the other dots with corruption and disgraceful harm to human lives.
There's a much bigger picture out there lurking in the background that's currently before the Courts of Law in USA...
Shame on all those who have profited at the expense of everyone's health worldwide.
It's insulting seeing and hearing Dr Ashley Bloomfield spurt out spin on statistics when he has also failed to follow up on his own legal obligations with Smoke free intentions and obligations back in 2005 when he worked in a role with WHO.
Look to see who represented your own country at WHO who failed to fulfil legal duties of care and the corrupt ones in China...and tobacco companies...
Not so long ago, there was a material, somewhere in the internet, called: "11 Reasons You Should Stop Watching Television Now".
Find it!
@John4704 Your federal govt. was informed about the pandemic in early January by US officials who were working at WHO and declined to take any action. If I were you, I'd be directing my outrage at your federal govt., as well as your state governor for failing to take action to protect the lives of its citizens.
Indeed,that's the charming Mr. De Santis who wouldn't let people off the cruise ship with dead folk on board, party on Florida! Science is fake news, right?
There's Science and then there's Scientists who have been paid considerable monies by Tobacco companies across the world to ensure the sale and marketing of there "Smokeless" products that have been knowingly sold under the guise as "health and engineering" a market of 170 million people plus when many countries signed agreements WHO were required to carry out and enforce in 2005 which they failed to do.
It's unbelievable to think these same people are telling people in places like Africa to use there's unregulated products to people who can't afford increasing tobacco products during this "pandemic" without any shame or guilt.
Then there's Scientists and Health professionals who have been fulfilling there Duty of Care.
Btw, notice which countries had "Testing kits" that weren't up to World Health Standards...the very one's where it's known to be party central in Europe.
Figure that one out.
I trust the Scientists who speak the truth not one's who only seek money from greed and corruption who are funded directly by Big Tobacco.
Be prepared for a bumpy ride in Politics as the Scientists have #NOFLY next up in store for us all til they prove there Science theories and models tell us we should all only VIRTUAL TRAVEL as that's been in the Computer labs to.. as that's how some of the Scientists of today are... You may have to wait until all planes are eco friendly before you can fly again thanks to the Greens & Climate Change.
meanwhile the grass is growing long on the Golf courses, Horse Racing Tracks and in the local parks as people are effectively under detention and suffering health issues they are not getting help for as they are too afraid to go out and get help from hospitals that are empty...
A "public health" risk in itself amongst us all.
Misuse of any position of power requesting the consent of Governors to enact a Public Health Act to stop the majority of the world under the premise to promote and ensure the betterment of all peoples health when inequality is everywhere by WHO is questionable.
It's all about egos, power and control.
Remember Margaret Chan, and her band of ** who are still on the committee before Dr Ted?
It's time for a clean out across the board/ world.
Transparency of who is funding WHO is long overdue.
Whilst there's from time to time been conflict and countries withdrawing funding from WHO since it began in the 1940's the way it's been mismanaged in the last 30 years is not acceptable.
Questions need to be asked of to Howard Willaird, who recently resigned and has admitted he's not acted in accordance with requirements, Hon/ Han LIK & Mike Ryan on oath in Criminal Courts of law.
Investigative Journalists who did Panama Papers investigation where are you?
But wait, there's more, did anyone else see the media release this last week by Dr Tedros about how WHO's role is also to promote the elimination of measles and mumps? Incidentally they are two of the initial diseases they were set up for to address.
Are they prevalent in your town & country? Or are they "contained"?
Should all the world remain in lockdown for countries that still have those diseases to?
Each country, state has it's own legal obligations and legislation in place which protects the rights of it's citizens.
Here in New Zealand we once had democracy and a good health system with Medical Doctors whose oath is a Hippocratic oath, they now risk closing down & joining the ranks of jobless as there patients are unable to go see them because of a blanket approach to "test, test, test" for Covid19.
Italy has always had a wide variety of species of bats.
Indeed in 2006 & I'm unsure which breed or where they were sourced from, according to an article in the Independent, UK, bats were sold in Italian markets as a natural means to stop the spread of and bites to humans by Tiger mosquitos rather than kill the birds, bees and butterflies... Tiger Mosquitos that cause Chikungunya virus/ fever which is common in Lombardy, Italy where many deaths occurred.
Research papers are readily available online.
Timelines and scientists ...each to there own with there own agendas.