Covid Canellation Policy

Level 1
Cannes, France

Covid Canellation Policy



I've recently taken a reservation for next month from a client who is in a "red-list" country and hoping to travel to France next month. I warned him when the booking came in that we have a strict cancellation policy and so he had 48 hours to change his booking which I would advise him to do given he was travelling from a red list country. He declined that option and said he'd "find a way". He also said only a "force majeur" would stop him coming. I'm slightly concerned by his use of the term "force majeur" - I fear he thinks that if covid restrictions stop him travelling he can claim a "force majeur" and receive a refund from airbnb. Can anyone please clarify what the airbnb current policy is on this - he was aware of my cancellation policy and the current red-list status of his country when he booked. Surely he cannot claim "extenuating circumstances" if the situation remains the same next month and demand a refund? 


Thanks for clarification. 





1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Niall56 He will be able to cancel if he tells (proves to?) Airbnb that he has covid.