To say that i would be disappointed if Joe Gebbia remains wi...
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To say that i would be disappointed if Joe Gebbia remains with the board and gets involved in DOGE would be an understatement...
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A pandemic year: I’ve alternated from being horrified, angry and fearful, contemplative and creative, lonely and sad. As we've been alone and quiet for days on end, introspection has also lead to appreciation. I’m grateful for my marriage and partner in life (this is our 50th year) and we are still learning about each other, finding ways to improve our relationship.
Not being able to visit family and friends, children and grandchildren, I turned to my garden. I’ve always enjoyed growing flowers. It was a source of pride to put fresh arrangements in the studio for our guests. Now with no guests, I decided to convert flower beds to vegetable gardens. It’s been a pioneer year, with planting in soil that has not been improved in decades, seeds planted in pots of all shapes and sizes, hand crafted plant stakes from twigs to pipes and almost anything around to prop them up; it was quite fun. We harvested multiple kinds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and onions. I tried pickling, roasting and freezing. Some were successful, some not. More importantly, I felt like I was doing something positive that felt creative and gave me a focus. Every morning, I grabbed my coffee cup and strolled the garden on a little tour to check on my ‘babies’. It’s silly, I know, but it gave me joy.
Underlying all activity was the constant concern about our future, as a couple, a family, an organization and a world. As months passed, I worried about other hosts and how they were faring. We learned about short and long term effects of grief, isolation and loneliness. I had canceled our host meetup in March. In April, with cancellations and closings coming in from everywhere, I was talking to our board about pausing our Host2Host organization completely.. But we soon realized that this is a time when our community is needed the most. So we pivoted our monthly meetups to Zoom and we have not missed one since. In fact, we are celebrating over 80 host meetups since we began! To further support our hosts, we created a weekly virtual Host Coffee. We have no agenda for these meetings, and we talk about whatever is on our minds. Sometimes our conversations are host-related and often we simply share (sometimes tearfully) feelings about our life situations. The conversations have been remarkably nurturing, some folks have told us this is their main form of connection to the outside world. We are committed to continue the host coffees as long as people come, and are now opening them up to nonmembers. I invite you to participate if you are interested.
During the pandemic, my concept of my identity has been challenged. I’m learning more about who I am and who I am not. Gardening, my husband and my organization have helped to give me direction. Now, with a vaccine in sight, I feel it’s okay to get hopeful again. Planning to travel brings a lightness of spirit. I’m thinking about how I can refresh our listings, realign our niche marketing, update listing descriptions and more in preparation for future guests. It’s wonderful to be alive and feel excitement about travel and future new experiences in a world where we know we can safely be together again! We held our host ‘Bon Voyage to 2020’ party virtually this week and it was great fun to laugh and be happy. Although the we are still not meeting physically, the joy we expressed together holds us in anticipation of much better times. I just got word that the vaccine will arrive in our part of the world next week!
Thank you for this opportunity to connect and share with all of you. I have enjoyed reading your posts, and I hope that you too are beginning to feel revived and hopeful. Here are a couple of pictures from my garden.
Best wishes for safe and happy Holidays to you all.
"Every morning, I grabbed my coffee cup and strolled the garden on a little tour to check on my ‘babies’. It’s silly, I know, but it gave me joy."
Lovely post and that's not silly at all. I'm an avid gardener and I think a lot of avid gardeners check on the garden with their morning coffee. Not only is it a pleasant way to start the day, you might notice "Oh, that plant has aphids on it" or " Wow, I should harvest those zucchini today before they get too big" or "Something is chewing that plant during the night- I'd better go out with a flashlight after dark and check".
I've always said that growing a garden is like raising children who don't sass back.
But once you've eaten a salad made entirely from veggies that were alive an hour ago, it's hard to go back to store-bought. I can't bring myself to buy store-bought tomatoes, they're so tasteless.
Agree, @Sarah977, it's very therapeutic to stroll around with a morning coffee and enjoy one's own garden, and a bonus when guests comment on the fresh flowers or how much they like the garden..
Lovely to read your thoughts on this strange year, @Debi1 and thank you for sharing with us! Wishing you a very happy festive season and successful 2021. I, too, love to be able to provide fresh flowers for my guests (in a 2 BR cottage and also a smaller 1BR studio unit), and quite often guests comment on how lovely it was to realise they were indeed real flowers! Some are roses, gardenias and other introduced species, some are native flora growing naturally on our 2 acre property, and I derive great pleasure in sharing them with guests.
Thank you @Bronwyn38 for your kind words. Your home sounds truly amazing, and being able to grow gardenias outdoors sounds incredibly exotic! When this pandemic is over, I'm due for a nice long visit to Australia and gardens will be on my list! Happy holidays to you and yours ❤️
@Debi1 Loved seeing your photos of your incredible produce. Isn’t it amazing how during the pandemic, feeling scared & alone, so many of us turned to nature for solace. Makes you realise how much joy we can get from the environment, hence why it needs to be looked after and nurtured it does the same for us!
@Trudie7 you are so right! I was reminded why we bought our home over 40 years ago, and it felt almost like going back in time. I have already started planning the 2021 garden and this is the one thing that I'm grateful for this year. I feel a sense of remembered peace when I garden. Happy holidays to you!
@Deb1 we have several absolutely gorgeous Open Garden schemes in this region of the NSW South Coast and Southern Highlands, and as the region titles suggest, the types of gardens can be truly diverse with the two different climate types, which makes it even more gorgeous. It is a time of year I always very much look forward to. There are three different main ones over three weekends in October, and I always do them all and create photo books from my many photos taken during the rambles (there's always one that is an absolute favourite, while happily most being different gardens from the year before), plus it's a lovely social outing with neighbours and chatting with like minded garden lovers along the way (even got my mug shot in a regional magazine one year in one of the gardens, ha!)... If you get the chance to plan a visit in spring, factoring this sort of thing in is a real bonus! I trust Australia will welcome you with all it has to offer, so you return home armed with many happy memories! Wishing you a safe and very happy festive season!
thank you @Debi1 for your thoughtful and thought-provoking message. I found it very moving and i can't thank you enough for your support of our community at this very difficult time. Host2Host is such a wonderful organisation. I was fortunate enough to join one of your zoom meetings - and would love to join again. I never stop learning from hosts! And i am full of awe at your industrious green fingers! I have fruit trees at home and there is nothing more joyful than seeing them laden with fruit! But i have to time it right or the pesky squirrels eat the lot - they raided every single one of my apricots last year!. Happy Holidays! Best wishes, Catherine
Oh, @Catherine-Powell, how sad about your apricots! Hopefully you were able to harvest lots of fruit from your other trees. I remember our meetup with you well, we felt very honored to have you with us. Thank you for all the hard work you do on hosts' behalf! We look forward to hosting you again in the future! Happy Holidays to you, and wishing you prolific harvests to come!
Salute @Debi1,
Thank you for sharing with us your enjoyable and post. Really, it is so interesting topic
Happy Christmas