Day 11: [GAME] December movies emoji quiz

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London, United Kingdom

Day 11: [GAME] December movies emoji quiz

Hi everyone, 


This time of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, most of us are in hibernation mode. What better way to make it through a very wintery day than to cozy-up under a blanket, grab some snacks, and watch a movie


While we can’t provide blankets or snacks, why don’t we all embrace this cozy feeling and play a little game together? We’d love you to join us in guessing 26 December movies, either fully festive or simply set over this time of the year, from the following emoji riddles!


It’s worth keeping in mind that this quiz was made according to the US or UK English titles, and as always, let’s have one guess each time so more people can join in on the fun. 






1- ❄️ 👸 ☃️ 

2- ❄️ 🚂 👨‍✈️ 🎅 

3- 🔔 ➡️ 🔔 ➡️ 🔔

4- 🏠 😱 

5- ❤️ ☑️ 

6- 🎃 ❄️ 

7- 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

8- ⚰️ 💪 

9- 🦌 

10- 👨 ✂️ 👐 

11- ‌🙌 3️⃣‌‌ 4️⃣🏘

12- ‌👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 💎

13- ‌👨 ↔️ 👨

14- ‌😘‌‌ 😘💥 💥

15- 🐷 🐸 🎄 🎶

16- 🏝

17- 🗽 🏙 🍝 🍫

18- 🥜 🔨

19- 👸 🔁 👸 

20- 😴‌‌ 👩‍❤️‍👨‌ 

21- ‌👨‌‌ 🦇‌‌ ↩️‌ 

22- 🧊 🇯🇲

23- ‌‌‌ 🎄

24- ‌✈️‌‌ 🚅‌‌ 🏎‌ 

25- ☃️ 

26-  🐹 🕛 🚱 🗽


1. Frozen

2. The Polar express

3. Jingle all the way

4. Home alone

5. Love Actually

6. A nightmare before Christmas

7. Four Christmasses

8. Die Hard

10. Edward Scissorhands

11. Miracle on 34th street
12. The family stone

13. Trading places

14. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

15. A Muppet Christmas Carol

16. The Holiday

18. The nutcracker

19. The Princess Switch

20. While you were sleeping

21. Batman returns

22. Cool runnings
23. White Christmas

24. Planes, Trains and Automobiles

25. The Snowman



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45 Replies 45

Than, must be Frozen 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Dejan93 Correct!



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Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Oooh I think I have a few more... can I send more answers?


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Deirdre122 Of course, go for it!



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Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stellenbosch, South Africa

10 - Edward Scissorhands

18 - The Nutcracker

20 - Sleepless in Seattle

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Deirdre122 You got 10 and 18, but 20 actually takes place in Chicago. It does have a variation of the word sleep in its title too - does that clue spark any other idea perhaps? 😉



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Level 2
Budva, Montenegro

Let's try something which left unsolved...


11 Miracle on 34th street 

12 Family stone 

16 Island 

22 Cool runnings 

23 White Christmas 🙂





Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Dejan93 You're on a streak! 11, 12, 22 and 23 are all correct, but 16 not quite! It's not so much about the destination, more about what it symbolises ... 😌



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Emilie I am not good at movies. It looks as there is a lot of participation and quite a few movies named. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Laurelle3 We've got a few movie aficionados around it seems yes! As much as I love preparing the games, I don't think I'd be that good at guessing so I'm always amazed by you all. 😃




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Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I was able to guess only Edward Scissorhands! But someone had guessed it before ! 😊

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@J-Renato0 Well done for guessing it regardless, great to have you playing along. 😊



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Emilie  is no 3

Jingle all the way.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Laurelle3 It is! I'll update the list now, nice one 😄



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Emilie is no 7 with the 4 chritmas trees

Four Christmases