We’re All Stories.....
We all write our own stories...
Short Novella? Epic Trilogy? Journal? Biography? Romance? Thriller? Crime? Comedy? Science Fiction? Fantasy? Adventure? Art work? A narrative? A tragedy? A “how to” manual?
All of the above?
Are we the writer and illustrator?
So the list goes on...
Yes, I’m capable of going off on random thoughts, but I can remember the guidelines I’ve placed upon myself in this self imposed part of my book.
Each chapter might represent a different genre.
Each page may represent a glimpse of what and who we are.
But the authenticity should never change. Our covers and dust jackets may be shiny and like new, or torn and a bit tattered around the edges. Sure, they have also changed across the years.....
But we don’t need to write a masterpiece, or even live one!
What matters for our stories to be well read? Our content needs to be true, even in a fictional sense... and we also need to be the “holder” of the pen!
Inside our life books, we also have a memo or chapter, regarding our stints maybe as guests and also as hosts. Life hosts, as well as Airbnb hosts. Both complex, both demanding physically and emotionally and both time rich!
But if I step back from this blinkered and personal book of mine, I can see that everyone else belongs to a unique story, their own book.
I like to visualise that we are all blossoming as individuals and staying on our chosen paths.... because that would bring us all to a better conclusion. Mind you, our chosen path is not necessarily chosen by us.....That bit of satire, is one of life’s subplots! Nor can we cheat and look at the last page to see how it will end....
But no story is without pain or anxiety, nor the more negative and less desirable traits we mere mortals possess. But collectively, our fragility in this global book we are writing together, is palpable. Not just because we are the subjects... but because we care about the storyline.
So maybe if we cut through the refuse and clutter... the sub plots of politics and religions, we can find standing room to see the view. Once we have a clear focus, and strive to stride along our chosen paths, then we breathe better... more deeply.
With 2020 just around the corner, let’s all celebrate that we have been able to write and live our stories for 2019.
Some here in the CC may have suffered, but we are still here - making us all success stories.
The Community Centre has brought us together in many a short paragraph, pun or problem. We skim through the pages and dislike or love what we read. We can fume and get incensed by something, or laugh till our belly aches....
We are also saddened by some stories, too powerful in how they move us! We may take turns from being the writer to the reader, from being deeply involved to voyeur viewing.
This book, or even the illustrated comic - is living, breathing, evolving. We come here, we head off elsewhere, on another story, we return! Hard to keep up with all the characters and the sub plots. But never dull.....
So, with 2020 on the horizon, have you considered your ongoing blog, or insightful next chapter? Don’t panic, not all great stories need to be planned or even storyboarded .....
As said by The Doctor, (Season 5, Episode 13) on the TV show, Dr Who:
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh!”
Disclaimer and apology: I could not fit every CC member’s profile image into my photograph. You are not forgotten, just maybe you are on the previous, or next page.... 🙌🏼😊