Dealing with spiteful hosts


Dealing with spiteful hosts

What policies does Airbnb have to protect guests from being kicked out by spiteful hosts last minute? 


Situation: Moved from out of state and renting until home is ready for move in. Paid host for over a month stay, $5k+. Host asked if we can allow showings of the unit that they are trying to sell. Guest agreed to show unit at times that worked with their schedule. Guests work remotely and weekends are the only days. 


Guest: Pregnant couple 



1. Host had scheduled services to come into unit to do work (not agreed to originally). Guest allowed work to be done (wasted an entire Saturday supervising) and complained to host. Had to clean dry wall paint off tub. Host refunded amount for the day. 


2. Realtor informed guests that showings will be unsupervised, and people will be provided with code to come into home (we would have to stay in unit to protect our belongings). How is that safe?


3. Guests were infected with COVID. To the ignorance of many, pregnancy weakens the immunity of the human body, despite not traveling, guest ended up in the ER. Guests informed hosts and had to decline showing requests to follow safety guidelines of two weeks quarantine. Showing requests coming in, included Fridays at night (not safe). Host complained to Airbnb and we spoke to Airbnb and informed them of the issue, no further instructions were provided.


4. The building hallway leading to the until underwent major work when a pipe burst causing water leakage everywhere. The wall on the other side of the unit was ripped out exposing the beams, starting at 7am on a Saturday the entire unit was shaking. The maintenance left blowers on in the hallway to dry the walls. 


5. Airbnb hosts randomly texted the guest  and told them to leave the premises within 6 hrs because "guest violated agreement". Guest explained again situation and also informed them of current water leakage issue (pictures provided). 1. Not safe showing place with guests recovering from COVID; 2. Not safe to show place where hallway is blocked off due to water leakage. 


6. Host disregarded this information and again requested that guests leave unit. Host was informed again by guest that rental ends in 4 days which does not fall on a showing day, that guest is pregnant with COVID, that building is recovering from water damage and that this is a last minute request to have guests evacuate within 6 hours with nowhere to go. 


Conclusion: Guests informed Airbnb and support agent said there is no reason for us to leave but they would recommend us to contact local authorities. What?? This recommendation makes no sense, and the listing of the condo on Zillow states coming soon July 6 and guests are leaving July 1! Kicking sick guests out 4 days before end of rental is very spiteful and pretty illegal. Hosts didn't even mention anything about refund. Very unprofessional unpleasant experience and hosts is very inconsiderate. 




Top Answer
Level 10
Charleston, SC


I get it. The host is kicking you out early so they can sell or rent the property, but now has a lidgitamet excuse for extenuating circumstances with the broken water pipe. I would suggest filing a claim with Aircover and see if they can help find another place. Make the host cancel. I think there should be some kind of discount for canceling a guest. You could also report them for giving strangers the key code while you were there to show the property if this wasn't part of your agreement. Sorry this happened! Sometimes its best to do what you can and move on and not get bogged down with unscrupulous people. 

8 Replies 8

@Ely2568   As a listing service, Airbnb has no legal authority to force a host to let a guest remain on their property if they no longer consent to it. All they can do is refund the unused portion of their stay and assist in finding alternate accommodation.


If the guest has been staying in a home long enough to acquire the legal right of tenancy under local laws, and that jurisdiction recognizes Airbnb guests as legal tenants, the guest may be entitled to some protection from eviction via local law enforcement. But Airbnb is not involved with that. 


If issues come up during the stay that present safety hazards, the guest's recourse is to terminate the booking and relocate. I really don't understand why anyone would complain that a place is too unsafe to stay there but then also complain that they aren't allowed to stay anymore. That contradiction makes one wonder who's really being spiteful here.



The unit is safe inside, the building itself is not safe for people coming to view the unit (due to work being done on the wall). Just additional information shared to tell the full story.  Thank you for your response. 

@Ely2568   I understand that this situation made you feel unsafe, but it doesn't explain why you feel you should be "protected" from removal when the host no longer wants you occupying the home. Those are two completely separate issues.

Hey Andrew, I got your message and unfortunately it's unsatisfactory for the current situation. Unless you understand what it is to be pregnant, and then getting sick with a deadly virus and being in a new area with your partner attempting to start a new life, you can stop answering now :). 

Level 10
Charleston, SC


I get it. The host is kicking you out early so they can sell or rent the property, but now has a lidgitamet excuse for extenuating circumstances with the broken water pipe. I would suggest filing a claim with Aircover and see if they can help find another place. Make the host cancel. I think there should be some kind of discount for canceling a guest. You could also report them for giving strangers the key code while you were there to show the property if this wasn't part of your agreement. Sorry this happened! Sometimes its best to do what you can and move on and not get bogged down with unscrupulous people. 

@Ely2568 I would say the water pipe has been fixed, that you allowed access to have it repaired. That there is no reason for host to cancel, that you are pregnant with covid and can not allow random strangers to enter the space you have paid for. That this violates Airbnb safety and covid policy. Make the host cancel. I think he would be foolish to cancel you and should just let you stay the remainder of the four nights. 

Thank you @John5097 . The host doesn't seem to want to cancel, I am assuming they want to keep the funds. Airbnb said they are working to get our refund for the remainder of the nights. We are trying to get them to cover the hotel nightly rates that are very high due to last minute bookings. We had to seek legal aid because the hosts changed the key pad lock on us. Luckily I work from home, so I tend to never leave the place but my partner goes to the pharmacy for me, and on his way back, he noticed this change. Legal aid of the county told us this was very illegal for them to do. What is crazy is that airbnb said we are in the right here but are taking a long time to resolve this. 

I barely slept last night with the fear in mind that someone would just walk in here. At this point we get constant threatening texts from the hosts claiming that we are at this point trespassing. I do not understand how people can be so cruel. 


Correct. If you were to cancel you wouldn't get a refund for unused nights. Host are also penalized for canceling guest, except for extenuating circumstances or guest breaking house rules. 

All of the things you mentioned are covered by Airbnb Aircover for guest. 


Changing the lock code is serous issue, as well as invasion of privacy. These would be safety issues and there is dedicated phone number hot line for that according to their website.

Harassment also against Airbnb policy.

It sounds like you bent over backwards to acclimate this host and he is walking all over you. I think you have a right to say enough is enough and no more random people entering the space you rented for your own health. 

So according to the new Aircover policy for guest Airbnb should put you up and a similar or better accommodation. 

You may want to be as concise as possible with the main issues and provide links and copy and past the policy as the CS agent may not be fully up to speed. 

Good luck and don't stress too much.