Deleted listing and reviews

Deleted listing and reviews

When you delete a listing I have 4 and want to take it down to three, I know the reviews stays with me however what I want to know is my overall rating and review numbers do that follow me as well? Also how is my account affected on remaining listings potential guests can see?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can not delete a listing, you can only deactivate it.

Reviews regarding a deactivated listing will remain in your account.

Not sure about this, but i think ratings received will still count in the total picture. But by time passing by they will "evaporate".

@Adrienne174  The ratings given to each listing only stick to the listing, and each one is cumulative across the entire period it's been active.


The only area in which your average rating as a host across all listings applies is in calculating eligibility for Superhost, and for that it's only the ratings received in the last 12 months. This is not affected by deactivating listings.


All written reviews for inactive listings will still be visible on your profile permanently.