Looking for guidance / support / ideas !
I have a guest who booked for 62 days - she and her 28 yr old son.
she has been increasingly demanding , nit picky and minutes ago laid into me for the handyman being at the house at the same time that they were returning home from their short getaway.
They have already changed their check out to 7 days earlier. They have 11 days left for their stay.
I’m not sure I can remember a time anyone has spoken to me in such a rude and disgusted manner. I’m addressing the issue that around as quickly as possible.
it took approx 20 seconds for me/handyman to walk out the back door.
I live on the property and feel very uncomfortable. This is my home & sanctuary.
We’ve been blessed to have the most lovely guests.
Have you ever asked someone to leave ?
I don’t know the policy and can call.
She isn’t wrong. The things she has called out are within reason. I’ve fixed , replaced , bought brand new everything she’s asked within 24-36 hours in addition to giving allowance for her dog to be at the property.
open to suggestions.
I’ve been eating humble pie for a lot of days and I’m full.