Don't let your Superhost travel coupons expire!

Level 1
Seattle, WA

Don't let your Superhost travel coupons expire!

A number of Superhosts have travel coupons set to expire on July 1, 2020. Airbnb is refusing to extend the expiration date or offer a new coupon and instead  is "encouraging" Superhosts to travel. In some cases, such as mine, this would go against state orders. In nearly all cases, this forces Superhosts to make a choice  between getting to use the coupon they earned and ensuring their personal safety. Both cases are unethical. I have heard from someone in the main office that the reason Airbnb is doing this is so that they can reabsorb that money. If you cannot travel and/or do not feel safe, at least support another host, perhaps a stranger, and book a stay even if you won't actually stay. Don't let Airbnb take advantage of its Superhosts!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Northland, New Zealand


Yep I did this last month to support another host 🙂 Booked a couple of nights stay and then obviously didn’t leave a review. It was as ‘sweet as’

Like a Christmas Santa

@Em38   My understanding is that the expiry date applies to the date when you redeem the voucher, rather than the date for which you schedule the actual trip. But it's understandable that as people face uncertainty for the future about both the pandemic and their livelihoods, most of us aren't really in the mood to plan a big trip just yet.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

My voucher is due to expire and I will lose it as in the UK Airbnb's are illegal so I can't book within my country and can't travel outside it as I have a high risk health issue which means I can't fly at the moment (even if our government doesn't bring in quarantine for those flying abroad).


It is another kick in the teeth for us superhosts that we now can't even use one of the key benefits that being a superhost brings.


I had hoped they would extend the voucher dates, but sadly this isn't happening @Lizzie  could we have some feedback from Airbnb on why they won't extend the superhost $100 dollar voucher deadline?

Level 10
Orono, ME

Hi @Em38, my coupon expires July 1st. That is my plan: contact a random local host in my state and book a last-minute stay with them while explaining that I will not be showing up and to please accept the payment.