Donating Space- Grieving Parents Retreat

Donating Space- Grieving Parents Retreat


We're going to donate 4 nights of our entire listing (retreat house) for a workshop supporting Grieving Parents Wh Have Lost a Child. All the, materials and services by being donated by locals including  the program content and cooking.  We are donating use of our house.

This is nice, but we want to make sure we protect our space AND help make people as comfortable as possible during an emotional visit.


Any suggestions?


amy from Ithaca NY

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Amy-And-Valerie0 

hope you are well. 
This is such a lovely thing you are doing.


i would ensure you get the participants or at least the organisers to sign a legal document which makes them recognise the need to respect your space as such- this would also help in managing expectations. Something simple like rules been shared with all participants would also do this. 

Regards the emotional side I think- at least for me, the someone could do is tell me that they know I need space and time and they’ll respect this but they will be around and present. It respects how someone chooses to grieve but with knowing a friend is there but no pressure is added. However, I also imagine everyone is completely different. 

Either way... good luck x