Email for Super Host Relief Grant

Level 1
Las Vegas, NV

Email for Super Host Relief Grant

Has Anyone received an Email from Airbnb about the grant program? 

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Queenstown, New Zealand

No , still waiting and also waiting for the email regarding the 25% cancellation refunds. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Caroline257 Each of my 'xxx has cancelled' emails has a paragraph in it saying I will get my 25% (aka 12.5%) within 4 weeks. Have you looked at these emails?

I have not. I wonder what the criterian is. My daughter, who cohosts, is on furlough. With no Airbnb income coming in, that puts us under stress about making the mortgage (I voluntarily over-rode my cancellation policy for guests  because it was the right thing to do in our case.) But this is usually the busy season for us, which helps for the leaner months and I have no idea how to raise my hand and ask for a grant. We fit the criterian but there's been no email. And no help with a rebate on the guests we allowed to cancel due to Covid-19. I suspect with so many hosts its a lot to dig through. I'm certainly not their biggest money maker - just a Mom and Pop that rents out the extra apartment in our duplex to help pay the bills. And right now, Missouri isn't ready to let self employed and sole proprieters apply for unemployment. :-(.