Extending the extenuating circumstances

Level 2
New York, NY

Extending the extenuating circumstances

I just received the below email. To extend the extenuating circumstance without extending the 25% reimbursement is completely unfair to hosts.


Here’s what you need to know: 


  • If guests need to cancel a reservation with a check-in between June 1 and 15, they’ll be prompted to reschedule or cancel under your policy.
  • Those who booked before March 15 may be able to cancel for a full refund under our extenuating circumstances policy due to COVID-19—but they’ll need to substantiate that they’re sick or unable to travel.
  • These reservations won’t be eligible for support payments under our since that program only covers check-ins through May 31. If you have reservations before May 31, we’ve updated your with info on what qualifies.

Here’s what you can do: 

  • Reach out to guests. Some may need extra reassurance right now—if there are any concerns you can address.
  • Cancel penalty-free by May 15. Whether you’re unable to host or you want to open your calendar for longer stays, we've extended the deadline to cancel upcoming reservations in 2020 that were booked before March 15. You won’t pay a fee, have your calendar blocked, or have your Superhost status affected.

As a reminder, guests who booked after March 14 won’t be refunded under the extenuating circumstances policy due to COVID-19 unless they are


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