Extra service fees

Level 1
Townville, SC

Extra service fees

Does any other host have an issue with guests not being able to pay for extra services when they book? It’s so aggravating to have to make a separate request for services such as pet fees. Our time is valuable and to make us request the fees separately takes away from other things we could be doing as hosts. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain

Doesn't Airbnb add their commission to any additional fees? They don't add commission to tourist tax, but my understanding is that anything else is commissionable. 


In winter, we have an additional e ergy charge to cover heating and increased elecricity consumption. Guests sometimes ask why that's not included in the (already heavy discounted winter) price. Well, the price would increase not only the amount of the energy fee, but another 15% on top. 


So, we have to collect it on arrival. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Quite honestly it takes minutes @Don-And-Deanna0 . We are business owners and it's part of your time in running your business.


Perhaps use other platforms that allow you to add these fees into your costs ? 

@Helen3 It would take even less time if they would incorporate it into the booking process. You may not have run into problems with it but I have! I do use other platforms and the feature is great!