[FESTIVAL] Beach cleanup

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

[FESTIVAL] Beach cleanup



Our Airbnb Host Club Group in Pensacola was planning another Meet Up/Clean Up  April 16th at one of the many beach areas that is unfortunately continually overpowered with litter. We have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world in our area! But it takes many of us working hard at volunteering to keep them clean and beautiful due to once again this awful “throw away” thinking/lifestyle/mentality of littering - just unconsciously tossing out. It's a wonderful opportunity to do something really important for our area, meet other hosts, share tips, hacks and also be outside in the wonderful sunshine. 


There’s a group of homeless folks that live in this area where we will be cleaning up so I’ve included a few pics of the area last week. It will be much worse when we arrive this Saturday to clean it up. Another very cool thing is the Visitor Center is right at this location so Hosts will be able to pick up loads of awesome maps, guides, local info for their Airbnb guests all free for the taking. I’m grateful that we are joining forces to make a difference. Hoping the word will spread to other hosts and the leaders in their communities - this effort cost only a little of our time but the rewards are priceless.



16 Replies 16



I absolutely agree. When I started to travel around the world in the 80ies the beaches were mostely free from human rubish. It all started slowly with the mass tourism, the increase of big cruising lines and especially in the Asian countries with all the western food and drinks, everything is packaged in plastic or cans instead of using refillable bottles and boxes, and I have the impression that its getting worse every year. 


in 2019 I was in Bali and we made a boat trip to Gillie Islands and I was shocked with all the plastic bottles floating in the ocean, I hardly could find a space without plastic. Of coruse the locals are cleaning up the beaches and also they slowly start organizing a waste separation and recycling systems, but I guess this will take a few more years until people are being educated and sensitive enoug not to through their rubbish behind the house in the little creek and after the next rains it all swaps down into the ocean...

Level 10
Inzell, Germany

@Sheng72 ,


I believe, that you would enjoy the animals and plants in the nature of your surroundings, if you get the chance to learn more about it.


Are there no guided tours in your area where you could participate without being afraid from snakes and other animals? I think a good and experienced guide will show you what is dangerous and what is enjoyable.