
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

[FESTIVAL] Hosting & Traveling is like Yin & Yang

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

[FESTIVAL] Hosting & Traveling is like Yin & Yang

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Why host on Airbnb? And especially with a guest room in your own home? When it's always “exciting” to see who will turn up next in our living room and share the kitchen with us? And what does this have to do with Yin & Yang?


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Actually, it always takes two: The Host and the Traveler. And that's how we started with Airbnb 43 years ago - when the name Airbnb didn't even exist. But Homesharing wasn't invented by Airbnb, it was just “democratized” (Airbnb pioneer Chip Conley). It was 43 years ago that I traveled to South Korea with @Jutta7 for an internship, where we stayed with a local host family and shared a small apartment with them for several months.


In addition to the professional experience (milk, ice cream and Mandu), this resulted above all in a new friendship that is lasting to this day - as well as the realization of how enriching Homesharing can be.


And when we are not traveling or need the guest room ourselves, we host guests, now increasingly again from all over the world. Of course, it is pleasant and appreciated (and the tax office is happy) to receive money for this. But just because of that - see above - meeting strangers in your own living room? There has to be a bit of joy and empathy, and matching is important.


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So it was all the more exciting when we were able to host another young Korean woman some time ago. Naturally, I immediately felt a certain amount of excitement when I received my first inquiry. And I was initially confused that my messages were answered so cautiously, albeit in flawless German. Until I realized that Airbnb's automatic translation program was involved here - and that it might not have translated my questions perfectly into Korean (I only learned a few words and the Korean letters at the time). But when the guest arrived at our door and checked in, the ice was immediately broken. Of course, it was no problem for her to leave her street shoes at the door - after all, I had learned that in Korea. In the days that followed, we exchanged stories in English, reminisced, talked about the unique Korean cuisine (we happened to have some kimchi in the fridge), and I told her about our travel experiences in “old Korea” and she about the new, modern Korea (a lot has changed). Although the stay was rather short, we all had to wipe away a little tear when we said goodbye.


So: Hosting & traveling - the two belong together. We are also “Airbnb members” and often bring back useful insights for our own hosting from our travels.


By the way, did you know that the South Korean flag contains the characters for Yin & Yang? In other words, the two dual concepts of Chinese philosophy, which stand for diametrically opposed principles that complement rather than oppose each other. Just like Hosting and Traveling.


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7 Replies 7
Level 10
Coimbatore, India

Hey @Till-and-Jutta0 - Hosting and travelling per-se Yin and Yang- you nailed it 😍. I am always anxious when I travel especially if its an Airbnb stay. I wish to be my best and keep my family or friends under strict cautions on what to do and what not to do. The feelings are synonymous when I invite guests to stay with me. At times I feel sad when they do not treat my place well. But through my days I have enabled myself to be more open and acceptable. I am sure hosting has helped me evolve and I am thankful to Airbnb for taking me through it. "In the realm of love, being completely Yin or Yang is unlikely to be worth the imbalance; harmony is key" I submit myself to the above quote. Happy hosting and travelling.

Top Contributor
Willits, CA



I love your shared story so much! 

We've been hosting for 50 years, and it seems to have delightfully seeped into our DNA. 

We've also been homeshare travelers, by choice, of course.  It is the best, and our international, multicultural extended family is a total treasure. 

Yes, we could not help but notice the Korean flag is all about Yin and Yang, the complementary opposites that remind us of seeking balance in our lives and our world. It would seem that I Ching is also represented. 

I'm looking forward to visiting Seoul in a couple of years as a delegate to our Soroptimist International convention. Obviously I'll factor in extra time to enjoy and explore. 


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

What a fascinating journey you’ve had with hosting and traveling. It’s amazing how personal connections and shared experiences can enrich our lives so deeply and leave a lasting effect.


@Kitty-and-Creek0 @Dr-Jayanthi1 @Till-and-Jutta0  I'd love to know—how do you find balance between hosting and traveling in your own life?



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Hi @Quincy - Love to take this. My best are my travel experiences and especially when its with family and friends. But yes as a host I cant afford to pack my bags at will. I do keep a watch on my Airbnb calendar. I don't overdo both - but follow a regimen for myself.

I understand weekends and long holidays are always preferable for my guests. So I keep a check on the days prior and after a long holiday. When a holiday is planned then I block days such that I do not have a check in - middle of my holiday. I operate my Airbnb's on personal supervision and attend to guests all myself, at times my family does pitch in. When ever I have a longer stay booked then I am more than happy to plan my travels. I have had a few hitches when I travel far and time zones do not meet, yet it has not been worst till date. Guests are priority when an advance booking is made, yet personal travel has not been sacrificed. I have also had planned a trip to my farm house with a guest who stayed at my city property. Life is filled with fun, fascination and commitment.  Its definitely Yin and Yang!


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Dr-Jayanthi1 It's fantastic to hear how much you prioritize your guests' experience. I’m curious, though—how do you handle the logistics of cleaning and preparing your space when you have guests and you're traveling yourself? You mentioned that your family steps in to help from time to time—is managing turnovers one of the ways they support you?



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Good Question...when I travel I tend to be out in the wilds somewhere for several weeks, so the calendar just stays blocked until I get back and catch up on my laundry!  😂


Level 10
Huskisson, Australia


Thank you for sharing your story of your Hosting journey that began 43 years ago.. Your reflections on how hosting and traveling are like Yin and Yang. I like the way you have pointed out that you have gained friendship through the connection of sharing your home.with others (guests).


Your story of hosting the young Korean woman  has rekindled memories of your time in Korea.  as you have said Hosting is not just about accommodating guests but creating enriching, memorable experiences for both hosts and travelers. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiring all of us!

Laurelle from Downunder.