
Level 3
Bideford, United Kingdom


How do you follow people on this platform? 

S McGeough
3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sarah3595 I've always thought that following people is a bit weird. Lets hope you can't follow people on this platform (not that anyone would want to follow me).

Ok I get it follow posts, not people. 

I had seen a report of all my usage, likes liked etc and it had follow and follower but of course post. 


Thanks for your help 

S McGeough
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I know only how to follow a post (by clicking the option "follow this conversation" on the right, when conversation is opened)



I see you are Sarah nr 3595 , i noticed highest one is now 3599. Just curious now which first name has highest number existing ;>)


Kind regards,
