Former guest upset about being asked to donate to me!

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Former guest upset about being asked to donate to me!

I am late to the party on this "smile card" or well wish/donate to your host thing Airbnb has going on. We are in the middle of a move and its been all we can do to keep up with check ins  and unpack a sea of boxes in our new place. So part of this is on me for not noticing what was happening.


Last night around 10pm I got a text from a former guest who we had hosted a few times, detailing how she lost her job/financial and health issues and resented that we were "asking for a donation" from Airbnb, calling us "tacky" and saying that we must be "doing well" to own such a nice second home and that it was in poor taste to ask others to fund it/that she will not be coming back. Having no idea what this was about I got online and figured out this was happening. I am SHOCKED. It's one thing for guests to send hosts a nice thought, another thing entirely to ask for funds when so many people are struggling. 


We ARE lucky to have such a charming second home and we in no way want anyone to pay us anything, other than their fee for their stay. We lost a ton of reservations and potential income like many others, but it is ALL potential income until its in the bank and stays are complete. I can't believe this is happening. Figuring out how to opt out. 


Anyone have any thoughts on how to respond to this guest (if at all)? We have had a good rapport up until now. 

31 Replies 31
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Laura2592  I'm so sorry to hear you got the brunt of this humiliating and misguided Airbnb initiative. As far as a reply- how about:

" Dear XX- I am so sorry you got this message from Airbnb. Hosts had no input into this scheme whatsoever- in fact, most hosts were very vocal about Airbnb soliciting past guests for contributions on hosts' behalf to be a terrible, cringeworthy idea.

As hosts were not notified by any emails of this, and we were busy moving, we had no idea this was even going on- and that if we didn't "opt-out", that guests would receive these solicitations. (Opt-in was the default).

Please rest assured that we would never solicit our past guests for anything- we appreciate you booking with us and being a good guest- that's all we care about. If you wouldn't mind, please take the time to let Airbnb how offensive you found this email and that they need to make it clear to guests that it is Airbnb who initiated these messages, not the hosts ." 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

I would put it a lot more succinctly:


   "This request was not send by us, but by Airbnb. They have taken upon themselves to initiate a program recently of asking past guests to donate to their hosts. Unfortunately, the program was instituted in such a unsuspecting manner that many hosts are not even aware they are asking for such donations on their behalf.  If you agree this initiative on their part is absurd (as we do), please write to them direct at '' and share your opinion with them.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention."


P.S. I just clicked off the 'yes default' on my listing. I considered the idea so ridiculous when first discussed here a few months ago, I never paid any attention to it, until now. Thanks @Laura2592 for bringing this up.