
Level 2
Saint-Priest, France


Be careful !  FRAUD with this owner, ** personal details hidden **

If you plan to book with this owner you must know he is not reliable.

We found his flat** personal details hidden ** on several sites, and we finally booked on his website - referred to in a photo showing the flat on Airbnb or - for a three-night stay in August 2022.


We booked in January and paid the full amount. A week before the arrival, we contacted him and paid an extra for the kids, who had not been taken into account the first time.

On our way,on August 6th, from 3o’clock on, we texted Matteo on whatsApp to arrange the check-in after 8p.m.

When parked and arrived in the center with our kids, we found no one for the keys, neither his friend Gianluca of whom he had given us the phone number, nor him. We got in touch and received a call message saying the flat was occupied, that there has been some overbooking. He sent us the name of a hotel he recommended and told us he would pay for it, because he was sorry. It was night, we trusted him.

In the end, after three days in a rather expensive hotel instead of a flat, and no refund of any kind, (although sending him as a proof the receipt of every single night) we went to the police to make a complaint and file a report for swindle at the Questura di Bologna, on the 8th of August. Two weeks later, he still refuses to refund us of the nights at the hotel, (which he had first offered on his phone message ), or of the flat plus the first night at the hotel, to which he retracted later.

On top of  that, let’s say we even thought the flat might not exist because** personal details hidden **. In fact the real address is not that one but** personal details hidden **. It makes a difference. If you check the « avis » on Airbnb, you find out that it is on the 4rth floor, which he does not mention either. And that some people were also offered to go one night in a hotel and were never reimbursed. (see the opinion of Amelie in June 2022)



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You can report the listing or the host profile to Airbnb by the "report" link on it.

I assume you informed Airbnb also about your "travel issue' ?

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

Have I read your OP correctly, you didn't book this through Airbnb?

Level 2
Saint-Priest, France

@Louise0 no, because he had tis link pointing to a reduced price. It was a mistake indeed.