Fraudulent listings?

Level 1
Albuquerque, NM

Fraudulent listings?

I am planning a brief visit to Toronto next weekend, and in the process of searching places to stay I found about 4 or 5 that seemed extraordinarily low ($89 or so). I also noticed that the same photos, or very similar ones, appear under other listings in different parts of the city, by other people--and they are all new listings. 


I contacted one of the hosts to ask about it, and I was ignored. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

If something's too good to be true, well, you know the rest, @Benjamin1080. I rarely book places w/o reviews, and as you've already got whiff of a rat, leave well alone. 

Oh yes, I agree! I just thought it was odd. I flagged it, but there were several. Just FYI.