Great moments often catch us unaware!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Great moments often catch us unaware!

Last night I was again reminded of what a privilege it is to be a host.


It was a nice warm still evening, Ade and I were sitting outside having our customary evening drink when our current guest Elaine came over to introduce herself.

With her Syrian family my guest spent her first 4 years of life in a box in a refugee camp in Lebanon. They were eventually granted passage to Australia and set about building a new life for themselves.

At 18 Elaine married her husband and had 4 children, 3 of them boys. All the boys had health difficulties, 2 of them having life threatening conditions but they have overcome these obstacles.

Elaine, as a result of dealing with these issues has put herself through medical school and is now doing a post graduate course.

A couple of years ago her husband at the age of 41 had a stroke, can no longer work and has very limited use of the left side of his body.

This family has endured so much but Elaine is a radiant person who we shared a few lovely hours with. Ade and I both agreed, it was a wonderful night.

Great moments often catch us unaware, they come beautifully wrapped in what others might consider small ones.


Last night made me realise this is what genuine hosting is all about, one person’s humanity to another.


People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said……but……They will always remember how you made them feel!

Fellow hosts, when interacting with guests thats a pretty important thing to keep in mind!



2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Willits, CA



Thanks for sharing this, Rob, so important!  Congratulations on being there for this sharing with this guest. Definitely a great moment!❤️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Robin4 😊

Thank you so much for sharing this story with your guest!


It’s true, having such genuine guests is amazing and feels so thoughtful. 😍


Was this the first time you hosted this guest?


Warm regards 🌻,


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