I use a VPN on my computer. When I try to log into Airbnb I...
I use a VPN on my computer. When I try to log into Airbnb I am blocked and Airbnb displays a message that their server is do...
This was posted on Nextdoor (social media site) in FT. Worth, TX.
As someone that travels to see family and friends I have found it so much enjoyable and less expensive to utilize this service. On my way 5 state journey I stayed at several homes rented through Airbnb. Only at one was I truly blessed to have found a place that I felt comfortable and knew the place was cleaned. I received my money back on several due to filth, being locked out of the gated area and another because the code would not work. On one of our stays I stayed in contact with the owner to show him the filth of the place and I told him I would clean the place and make sure it would be warm and inviting for the next renter. I sent him pictures of nothing but disgusting toilets, floors swept into corners. He was in disbelief. I cleaned that 3 bedroom home and bombed it due to fleas. He was so pleased he refunded my money and paid me for cleaning it. I believe if you offer your home to someone to play you to stay there it should be cleaned and ready. I’m not looking forward a job but just saying please make sure you hire someone and check on them because this man worked many Mike’s grim his home and no one was ever honest with him on the condition the house was in. I recently contacted him and told him I was returning to the area and wanted to stay at his home in which he said to me, I sold it because I had opened his eyes that he couldn’t trust anyone to be honest snd keep HIS home clean snd ready for the next guests. I sent him before and after pictures, FaceTimed him snd he was embarrassed. When we were leaving I FaceTimed him again and he was so pleased. All of this to say please check out the person to make sure they are doing what you are paying them to do.
I replied, "Sounds like you got some pretty good deals with all the refunds. You said "I have found it so much enjoyable and less expensive to utilize this service". Yet you stated "Only at one was I truly blessed to have found a place that I felt comfortable and knew the place was cleaned". How many different ABNB accounts/profiles did you use on these rentals?"
@Kathy842 I would probably ignore it as Nextdoor can become a hotbed of cranking and I never want to get embroiled in arguments with people online if I can help it. But I definitely take note of the person's name and reject any bookings!
If you choose to educate I might just post something neutral explaining the review system and how to be a good guest. I'm sure those points will let this poster know that they may no longer be welcomed in many places after her self reported behavior.
Laura....I get what your saying. But it's actually a group that was created on Nextdoor, my neighbors (unless they joined the group) don't see it.
She could only find one out of several that met her standards?
What search filters was she using? One star or less?
Brian...I don't think the search filters matter much. She likes "less expensive" places. Like Judge Judy says. "she ordered steak at the restaurant She smelled the steak, saw the steak, tasted the steak, then ate the whole steak, and now wants the steak FREE ".
On another note: It seems when ABNB started, people were pleasantly blown away by the value, space, amenities, etc. compared to a hotel. Now many guests expectations are higher (that's OK). But ABNB is making it worse with their inconsistent customer service and all the refunds they give without host permission. So far, I have never had a refund forced. From reading forums, I might be inclined to offer a refund and get a complaining guest out quickly to avoid them getting the whole stay free. It's not right. I don't know of any hotels that refunds guests after their stay. Guest should check out if they have complaints and ding us with an honest review, not get the whole stay free.
Interesting observation about hotels and refunds.
It has never occurred to me to demand a refund from a hotel, and I have stayed in some really horrible ones.
I went, I paid for the first night in advance, and if it was so disgusting that I couldn’t stay there, I left and never returned. End of story.
Brian...Same here on hotels. ABNB needs to stop refunding guests after their stay. I totally understand letting guest cancel remaining days and refunding those remaining days.